How To Find Time To Share Spectacular Content


After I shared a simple method for keeping your social media streams busy, I was asked on Twitter by @sliceworks,

Yeah, but how do you solve the problem of finding time to share all this content?

That is an excellent and very valid question. The simple answer to it is,

  1. Scheduled times
  2. Let it occur naturally

Scheduled Times

Let’s tackle this one first. This all boils down to my complete belief in the Slight Edge or the Compound Effect. The premise is simple.

Do something small every single day

You’ve heard of it before. People tell you massive action = big results. While I do not disagree, I think the problem comes when we think massive action = massive leaps. Not at all. Most times, success and big results come in the massive number of small leaps and sometimes steps vs leaps.

[tbpquotable]Massive action ≠ Massive leaps. Massive action = Numerous small jumps[/tbpquotable]

Now that I have laid that foundation. What does this look like? Very simply, 15-20 minutes of scanning your subscribed feeds each day. Find something you want to keep? Don’t save it. Send it to Buffer. That’s it.

What if I don’t have another 15-20 minutes?

Are you sure? Here are where those 15 minutes could be lurking:

  • Lunch time – though I do it only when I am alone. Not when eating with others.
  • Waiting for the doctor/dentist/appointments
  • Waiting to pick up your kid/spouse/whomever
  • In the bathroom (Yes! I know you are giggling but hey, it’s a pocket of time 🙂 )
  • Waiting for public transport
  • Waiting for food to cook
  • When you are in a long line at the store
  • Waiting on a prescription

I think you get the idea. Did you notice something recurring in that list? Yes. The keyword is waiting. Every time you find myself waiting for something or someone, that’s the perfect time to pull out the phone – no, not to check Facebook – to find content to share silly!

Letting It Happen Naturally

Now on the 2nd method. What do I mean by this? As mentioned in my last post. No matter what your business is, there are certain types of content that attract you naturally.

Let’s say you are a productivity coach. Maybe you spot a gorgeous planner while you are out in town. Perfect opportunity to snap a photo and… you got it. Load it to Buffer!

Then, while on Facebook, you notice a post about how to keep your energy up during the day. You read it, like it and you… yup. Add it to Buffer. Facebook is super smart at showing you stuff they think you might be interested in. Might as well use it instead of feeling used.

These are things that you don’t have to find time for because you are already doing them or noticing it. The trick is remembering to share it. I admit, that took me a while to get the hang of. I have to train myself to share when I find myself saying “Oh that looks interesting” or “That’s so cool!”

The tools you need here are simply Feedly and Buffer. That’s it. You can get more fancy if you want but I found fancy often complicates matters. And when you complicate stuff, you are less likely to do it. This works for me, and I hope for you too. Let me know what you think.

4 thoughts on “How To Find Time To Share Spectacular Content”

  1. This is a great post and your tone is adorable, I think in this online world everyone is busy in something as we are stuck with routines of 9AM-5PM jobs. It was really worth mentioning that you listed out every point to make use of a proper schedule and I think I have found an answer on sharing spectacular content regularly.

    Thanks for the post, keep writing great stuff.

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