You Wouldn’t Know a Good Idea If It…

Ed Roach

Let’s face it, what is a good idea?

To any one of us, it is based on our entire world view. The answer stems from our collective experience. Every day we have ideas to improve our businesses. Some we write down, others we file in the hard drive of our brain and others we let slip away. The point is we need to be always searching for that good idea that will help grow our business.

Where can you get this good idea? Is there a good idea store out there? Maybe there is a good idea pill.

The fact is we all have good ideas. Recognizing the ones that matter is the key to success. There are professionals out there who do just that for a living. Over the years, they have worked with many good ideas and have seen what generates income and what falls flat. These professional idea people understand that there are no guarantees of success, but they also appreciate that when developed properly, consistent with a strong brand, these ideas have a better than average chance of success. The degree of success is often defined by your expectations. Who are these idea people I refer to? Why they are the real ‘Graphic Designers’. They are the ying of the yangs discussed in my previous article, “Why Graphic Design is the Worst Brand Ever!” These people have ideas that will make you money.

Does a good idea have to be expensive?

What do you think a good idea is worth? Of course, off the top, the straight answer is unknown. What you should consider is the source of the perceived good idea. Ask yourself these questions:

• Does this person have the necessary understanding of your company?
• Do they have experience developing a good idea to the point that it is appropriate for your market?
• Do they have marketing expertise?
• Do they understand what your ‘brand’ is? (If they say ‘your logo’, run like hell)
• Have they inquired as to what your expectations are? (how will you determine success)
• What have their ideas done for other businesses regardless of industry?
• What is their process of development?
• Are there any validations that could be put in place?
• What long term plans should be considered?

Once these basic questions are answered to your satisfaction, fees should be discussed. A professional will not provide the idea first (spec). A professional may have a billing rate of $100+ per hour, even if they use project billing. If your person charges $15+ per hour, you might as well do it yourself, you are getting the same expertise. When you chose your attorney, was it based on price or expertise? I already know the answer. Why should the marketing of your company be any different.

To sum up: a good idea is an idea that has the potential to make you money. A good idea is an investment and this investment is best managed in the hands of an idea professional. If you view idea development as an expense and not an investment, you will be compromising the success of your company. Life is a collection of choices, have you made the correct ones? Your ledger has the answer.

7 thoughts on “You Wouldn’t Know a Good Idea If It…”

  1. Spot on Maizesto,

    A ideas professional has the expertise and experience to sift through the ideas and exploit the one or two with the most potential.

  2. The biggest inhibitor of great ideas is concern they won’t be great. The truth is, especially in the world of marketing, you have to let all ideas come out (both good and bad) and then be able to find truly great ones. Being creative and innovative is a process and an attitude that harvests everything that’s growing in your brain. The work and intelligence comes in being able sift the wheat from the tares.

  3. Sometimes, yes I would agree with that Wicker. I still believe though that it takes the help of professionals to help develop that idea. Experience stands for something. I’ve seen some pretty good local ideas with local success. I only imagine “what if” they had taken it to the next level?

    McDonald’s could have been an outstanding local burger joint, or Starbuck – a great little cafe. Doing it right, having a grander vision and properly positioning yourself in terms of image, values and perspective can rise you to the next bar and beyond. Drive down any street USA. You can tell the local businesses from the nationals – just by their brand image.

    It doesn’t take millions to position you there. You just have to recognize the difference and act on it. You’ve heard the self-made millionaires say it over and over – “surround yourself with the best”.

    A great idea in the hands of the wrong person is small idea.

  4. Using an ‘expert’ to vet your ideas may work most of the time, but IMO the greatest ideas are often ones that everyone, including ‘experts’ think are stupid until the money starts rolling in.

    Sometimes your own gut-feeling is better than the expert opinion.


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