End to End Experience

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Among the many interesting things Scoble has to say, this one got my attention:

"That all said, if there’s a product that comes out that’s arguably
better than the iPod in end-to-end experience you’ll be first to know
it. Why? I’ll be the first to jump up and down and say it.

Hint: end-to-end experience doesn’t mean it has a feature that the
iPod doesn’t have. Having the best end-to-end experience means that
everything from the marketing; to the box; to opening it up; to loading
media on it; to carrying it around and showing it to your friends; is
an extraordinary experience. When we have it I’ll tell you."

"End to end experience."

Is this a new buzzword? I’ve heard the whole "experience economy" thing, and I get that, but this seems bigger and more meaty. Or is it smaller and more relevant? Not sure, but I’m intrigued. Seems like there may be more material to incorporate into:

1. Forget Customers and Prospects. Think Partners.

Ahh, Google tells me there’s a blog on the subject. Experience Economy Evangelist. Okay, looks like I have some reading to do. I’ll update you when I get my head around it. In the meantime, start thinking about "end to end experience" in your own work.

Thank you Robert Scoble.

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