“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it” – Goethe
Here’s a five step strategy on how to create your own business, illustrated by a personal example.
1. Set a Goal: It was July 1991 and I was sitting at the dining room table in my parents house. I’d read about goal setting and the power of writing goals down. For a few years I’d been thinking about starting my own business. I opened a page in my diary and wrote my goal “In April 1992 I will have my own businessâ€.
2. Believe in YourSelf – Had I any idea what the business would be? Not particularly but because I worked in computers it would quite likely be in that industry. Had I any idea about how to run a business? Very, very little. Would most people think it was a great idea and tell me – “what a great idea Sean, go for it!†Very unlikely (in 1992 it was very difficult to get any type of a job in Ireland!). I was more likely to be told “cop on to yourself and stay with what pays the bills!†So I only told a few people.
3. The universal intelligence will help you – of course once I set my goal the universe responded and I came across a programme called “The Entrepreneurs Programme†in the West of Ireland.
4. Be Determined – They were only accepting 23 people for the course and I was told hundreds were applying. I decided I must get on this programme. I drove for over four hours on a freezing winters day in my 1968 beetle, which had no heating, and did one of the best interviews of my life. I got on the course.
5. Have the Courage to Decide – It was now November 1991 and it was nearing decision time on whether to leave full-time employment. Did this decision frighten me – absolutely – I had been unemployed before and had to leave Ireland to get a job. So my rational mind was telling me – “Sean you’re nuts!â€
For a week or two I was in that state of indecision which as I’m sure you’re aware uses up so much energy and really is not an empowering place to be – the will I, won’t I state of mind. So where did I find the courage to make my decision?
I found a book entitled “How to overcome nervous tension and speak well in public†by Alfred Tack, an old book, full of wisdom. In it I found the following quote about courage by a guy called Sydney Smith (I’ve edited it slightly):
“A great deal of talent is lost in the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure people whom timidity prevented from making a first effort; who if they could have been induced to begin, would in all probability have gone great lengths in the career of fame. The fact is, to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger but JUMP IN and scramble through as well we can.
It will not do to be perpetually calculating risks and adjusting nice chances. You see a person can wait, and doubt and consult their brother and particular friends until one day they find they have lost so much time in consulting cousins and friends that they have no more time to follow their advice and Live their dream!â€
The universe didn’t need to tell me anything else. The very next day I resigned from my job. Three months later, on April 22nd 1992, my first business “The Open Training Consultancy Ltd†was formed.
It’s sixteen years since I made that decision. Were there times since when I’ve considered returning to fulltime employment, absolutely. Were there many rejections along the way, thousands! Did I make mistakes along the way, yes thousands! Has money been rolling in ever since – absolutely not – there’s been affluent times and some seriously “tight†times. But has it helped me realise the truth about myself and the magic that life really offers us?
ABSOLUTELY! And as we have been told for the past couple of thousand years – “The Truth will set you free!â€
Create your own business and realise more of lifes magic!
Seán M Kelly
ps: If you need inspiration and encouragement on your way email me and I’ll offer you some email coaching. The first one is free.
pss: Another option is to enrol on the “How to Live Your Dream” inspirational and thought provoking 12 week online course. Email me for a sample lesson and click here for more details and to register – How to Live Your Dream online course
Hi Sean,
I agree that you need to take action to achieve your dreams.
I particularly liked the Sydney Smith quote as I’ve known many people who are content to simply sit in a job until they retire.