Don’t Just Sit There, Grab Your Million!

I was watching one of my favorite shows the other night. It’s called, The Big Idea – Donny Deutsch. Tonight’s show centered around something all of us say from time to time and that is “Why didn’t I think of that!” I’ve read from time to time that we should all keep our ideas written down. I think keeping track of your ideas should be your first big idea. I have ideas in my digital recorder I keep in the car. After watching the show, I think I will start an idea journal. These little gems may be just the opportunity I need at some point in time. There is something magical about writing down your ideas.

Have you seen ideas that you considered but never acted on come to pass and make millions for whomever? On The Big Idea website linked above are a few of the examples featured on the show. What’s funny is how some of them appear so stupid yet it made millions for their creators. It appears that there is a market for almost anything.

What I did find inspiring is that all of these folks achieved their success through good hard work and perseverance. There didn’t appear to be any cases of money making money.

If you’re from Canada like I am, you might be interested in a good blog from Sander Gelsing, on the topic of Canadian patents, trademark and copyright. The blog is called “Now, why didn’t I think of that?” It is a great starting point for any ideas you want to start developing. The Big Idea’s site has links to resources also.

Many of the very successful ideas featured on the show, stressed taking their brand images very seriously by hiring professional help. I guess it’s the old adage – go big or stay home.

What’s your Big Idea? Don’t just sit there, grab your million!

7 thoughts on “Don’t Just Sit There, Grab Your Million!”

  1. There appears to be no end to opportunity Danielle. I remember when I was younger wondering with all of the millions of songs written how could there be many tunes left. But the human mind is infinite in it’s ability to imagine. As Walt Disney once said, “If you can imagine it, you can do it.”

    As much as the motivation “appears” to be money, I think it is mostly the challenge. We need the money to allow us to do the things we want to do in life. When you can make a dollar on something that YOU dreamt up and implemented is very rewarding. Putting those dollars to use whether for personal pursuits or philanthropic ones is the freedom that an entrepreneur earns through their determination to succeed.

  2. Great post Ed! New ideas are so exciting, it’s a subject I never tire of talking about. And everyone is capable of coming up with a great idea – in fact they say most people have around 10 ideas a year that are potentially worth millions, but sadly the vast majority of those ideas never see the light of day. Which is really tragic I think.

    Speaking from my own experience, it’s really NOT an easy road I’ve got to say. In fact it’s bloody tough, and you have to make a lot of sacrifices (and become bullet proof). But having said that, it’s one hell of a ride and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

    For anyone who’s contemplating it, I say – go you good thing! … get in there and get your hands dirty. I guarantee you’ll never feel more alive.

    Cheers, Danielle 🙂

  3. Hi Ed, great post. Actually, great site overall – this is my first time here, but I’ve added your feed and will be coming back!

    Occasionally I do get the “I wish I’d thought of that” but more often it’s the one-handed forehead clap (DOH!) when I see something I thought of years ago for sale now.

    When I was 10 I conceived of a plastic or rubber fitting that would go on your tub (near the faucet end) to prevent water from spilling out onto the floor.

    They now sell in hardware shops for $15.

    ~ Paul

  4. Thanks for the feedback Paul. If we all had the insight to recognize how brilliant we are. My wife credit s me with the drive thru. She insists years before we saw the first one I remarked on wouldn’t it be cool if we could just drive up and…
    (the rest is history, someone else’s of course).

    DOH! is the better response – I agree.

  5. I LOVE Donny’s show. Great inspiration for an entrepreneur. Must watch.

    Write down your ideas, and here’s what I do. More the ones that are fun to the top.

    Think about it. Which one are you more likely to work on?

  6. Jim,

    The great thing about the show I think, is the core message that any of us can do it. All the case histories are very motivational. Thanks a lot for your opinion.


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