Is Your Brand Living Someone Else’s Life?

A brand is essentially the reputation of any company. In the day-to-day operating of a company, it’s confronted by a plethora of challenges. It takes a particular sort of person to grow a company while hurtling these obstacles. Brands that I admire are typically ones that are leaders in their category. There are the obvious ones that catch the global eye. Companies like Apple, Google and Virgin. But locally there are also companies whose brand shines. They are on the front lines and manage to lead in their own ways. Their positioning differentiates them and that difference rewards them.

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Then of curse there are the other companies. They’re the ones living some other brands life. These are the obvious brands that rely on analyze what the leaders are doing and mimic them. They believe that since Nike uses a swoosh, then dah, if they use one too they will become as successful as them. This of course is quite a stretch. But you see it every day.

How many hamburger joints follow the McDonald’s model? I’m surprised they don’t adopt a clown of their own. Notice how all auto dealers look exactly the same. Grocery stores also follow each other.

Where someone dares to break the mold and forge out with a brand that screams leader, the public usually rewards them. The norm is broken and they rise to the top. iTunes changed the way music was sold. Amazon revolutionized book distribution. Whole Foods showed traditional grocery a thing or two. Richard Branson and Virgin break boundaries all the time. He seems to take normalcy as a personal challenge. Steve Jobs as well.

In my own community, I see companies copying other companies all the time. I recognize that a major cause is a complete lack of confidence. The desire to BE an entrepreneur but not the where with all to actually behave like one. They all have this wait and see philosophy. Odd, the thing is they’re not waiting for themselves – they’re waiting for you. You take the risks on an idea, if you have some success they’re quick to swoop in and copy you.

I had a leading window and door manufacturer who did a fabulous job retailing his product. He was flustered by the fact that once his flyers went out, the leading competitor would mimic everything he did. As a credit to his sense of humour, he grew so tired of this that a week before his flyer ran he’d send the owner of that company a heads up as what he would be offering. It gave him the last laugh.

All laughing aside it spoke to the lack of confidence that manufacturer suffered from. It made his brand an also ran. His company name should have been called “Me Too!.” You can look exactly like any company you wish. You can behave like any company but your can never BE that company. The cultures are different and the leadership is different. A brand has to be authentic to be successful. If you’re copying then there’s nothing authentic about your brand and it’s not fooling anyone. It’s the reason Apple outsells anyone else even with a substantially more expensive product. The other-lifer’s – THEY’RE NOT APPLE. THEY’RE NOT AMAZON OR GOOGLE.

You are you. It’s that simple. To be great your brand has to lead not follow. If you follow someone else you are by definition already behind. Following doesn’t put you out front. Living someone else’s life pays homage to the original. Makes sense when you think about it.

6 thoughts on “Is Your Brand Living Someone Else’s Life?”

  1. Good points, Ed. It’s tough to try something new. For a lot of businesses, it’s easier to be part of the crowd. A lot of businesses are afraid to be different. I agree with you that we need to be ourselves.

  2. Hi, Ed, very valuable post about branding, rising and staying in market between high competition, it is impossible without lots of efforts, for staying in the market some point or information are required to be known such as listed below;
    Identify the competition
    Identify the customers’ requirement
    Give unique to your customers and become different from your competitors
    Update your brand image
    Target new customer

    1. It does take a lot of effort to be the leader. It takes a special kind of person to lead and to consistently lead. Thanks for commenting on my post.

  3. I love that final thought! I was just speaking to a new client yesterday who definitely puts her own spin on things, but was struggling with the fear of being copied by others. I could see that holding her back, because it was instilling a fear of fully showing up (and it is hard to promote yourself well if you are holding back). It’s like you said, there is only one YOU and the rest are imitators. She decided she has to start putting herself out there 100% starting now. That is definitely the way to go for all of us. Thanks for your blog!

    1. Danielle,

      Great that your client decided to put herself out there 100% – it shows a great deal of confidence. Your client is the definition of a leader.


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