In a message that says no one can do anything that anyone can even comment on comes this: A great campaign for ‘Got Milk?’ that created the aroma of freshly baked cookies in bus stops around San Francisco was shut down due to ‘complaints’.
City officials ordered CBS Outdoor, the company that holds the advertising contract for its bus shelters, to remove the adhesive strips Tuesday, just one day after they were put up as part of a “Got Milk?” campaign.
The Municipal Transportation Agency cancelled the plan after some residents raised objections. “We got complaints,” said MTA spokeswoman Maggie Lynch. “It is controversial.” (Watch how ads cause a stir in San Francisco
Some critics expressed concern over potential allergic reactions. Others complained the ads could be offensive to the poor and homeless who can’t afford to buy sweet treats.
Are you kidding me? The ads must be pulled because the homeless will be offended by the smell of cookies and feel bad because they can’t afford to buy them?
Proof that a little power is a bad thing in the hands of idiots.
I’ll bet is nobody bothered to ask the homeless for their opinion – which by my guess would have a lot more common sense than some idiot polititian. They are homeless not feeble minded.
Of course, the attention this kind of rejection would get in the hands of an effective PR firm would be golden would it not? If any one out there knows the story of Big Ass Fans it would follow that case history. You see when BAF put the sign on their building which happened to face a popular freeway a city councellor complained and the uproar went nationwide and their marketshare went through the roof.