Here’s a little bit of Business 101, taught with a little bit of Life 101…
Always, in all ways, run your business with sincerity in mind, just as you do with your life. Don’t try to fake your way through your business operations, because your customers will be able to see right through you. There’s no point in trying to manipulate people into buying your products, because if you do, the true benefits of your operation will be lost.
Your business needs to operate in sincerity through both its personality and actions. You can’t give the public a perception of your company that’s not true – And you can’t function in ways that are obviously against the company’s traditional values. If you think you can fool someone into doing business with you, you are awfully mistaken. You might “get†someone once, but they will never let you “get†them again – In other words, practicing manipulative marketing is sure to eventually kill ya.
Don’t be a poser. Don’t tout that you’re the best in the business, when you know for a fact that you pissed off about 3 people the other day, and did nothing to remedy the situations. Marketing messages that are untruthful will eventually bite you in the ass, because your audience is not as dumb as you think they are. Not only will they cease doing business with you, but also they’ll publicly make fun of you as they rip you apart to their friends. Lesson to be learned… Liars ain’t cool.
Don’t be a hypocrite. Create products and services that people want to have and appreciate. Make your widgets with quality, and stop churning out thousands of half-ass units that you will eventually sell for far more than they’re worth. Also, don’t treat your customers with disrespect, because you know good and well that you wouldn’t want to be treated in such a manner. I know, I know, the customer isn’t always right – but you’ve gotta handle their outbursts with care and appreciation towards their struggle. After an incident, you’ll feel much better inside knowing that you took the high road. Lesson to be learned… Run a business that you’d like to do business with.
Sincerity means to act as you genuinely feel. You know you don’t want to cheat and deceive your customers, so don’t do it – Your heart knows better than that. In business, sincerity and genuineness are King – If you sport these actions, you’ll have customers attacking you for your products as if you were giving the things away for free. Remove the selfish elements from your business, that provoke you to act insincerely, and you’ll find that your customers will reward you with their business for life.
Hey bizMAVERICKS… It’s discussion time! Tell the readers of Small Business Branding where sincerity falls into your business blueprint, and how it’s effected your customer’s perception of you.
Wishing you continued success…
Brad Williamson
I enjoyed reading this article Brad. I personally feel that a good number of people that run businesses are not sincere in there efforts.
I have long thought that passion much as sincerity is a neccessity of business because if you are passionate or sincere you are not only willing to go the length to do it right but chances are you are having a lot of fun doing it.
I agree with you. there are so many scams on the internet
keep writing good articles
Your advice is very useful. . not just fluff. Sincerity will get the results you need in the long run. I was once associated with a former associate who uses manipulative marketing when booking his band. I thought he was savvy. .. until I saw deeper within his strategy. he would do or say ANYTHING to perform. In the end, I left his organization and will not have anything to do with this person on ANY level. You are correct—people do not like to be manipulated and will resent you for it once they find out.