Pony Tail Club: A girl and her horse blog.
I have a number of businesses and consider blogging to be one of them. I don’t really use it to make money by itself, but to facilitate the operations of the real businesses.
But, I do make a little from my blogs.
My daughter Madison saw a check from Yahoo last week and the questions started.
So, I built a blog for my daughter to express her love of riding… and to teach a few life skills. I designed and built the site in an hour. My wife added some design touches, and we’re off and running.
I thought this was a good idea for a number of reasons. First, she loves horses and if I’m going to have to continue to pay for shoeing, vet bills, feed and training. (Of course, Dad doesn’t get it.) My wife certainly does.
Blogs are a way of harnessing technology to create a community and disseminate information. This site is an example. While there may be trouble lurking around the net for 13 year old girls, there is also opportunity.
Our goals with this new pony site are:
- Give Madison (our daughter) a place to express herself and gain positive feedback. Gramsie & Gramps, Yaya & Papu, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and fellow academy riders can all be counted on to provide this.
- Provide a method that by itself teaches consistency and self motivation.
- Provides and outlet where she can express her love for riding.
- Offers some experience in building something of value that people want.
- Lets her generate income that’s a direct result of her own efforts (with parental help and moderation).
- Provides a situation in which effort is greeted by rewards.
Pony Tail Club will be completely kid safe, friendly and positive. I expect it to be a great family project for the foreseeable future.
Interestingly, I just put the site up three days ago and there are already 65 RSS subscribers. That is extremely unusual. Perhaps we’ve hit an untapped market.
I expect that after we generate a few thousand unique visitors we’ll experiment with adding some PPC. Perhaps Maddy will be able to buy her next horse her self.
Awesome. I love blog concepts like this (ahh, but no I’m not really into ponies) – and you are right, 65 RSS subscribers that quick is unusual – nice work!
Jeff, that’s brilliant. She is gonna learn so many life lessons from the operations of that blog.
Congrats Jeff… It brings a saying to mind – You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
Sounds like your daughter will have a lot of fun along this learning curve…