Who Do You Think You Are?

confusedAs we head into the new year, do you have a clear understanding of your own personal brand? Are you aware of what the perception on the street is of you? Does your personal brand reflect consistently with your business brand? All good questions if you’re looking to go into the new year on a high note. Look around your circle of influence. Like myself I’m sure you’re witness to individuals who don’t have the slightest idea who they are. They call themselves specialists who list a flurry of services they try to deliver on – but excel in very little. I’ve been asked to coach a number of individuals to develop a brand for them. But, I can’t help them if they don’t know who they are. As I tell them, “it’s not up to me to tell you what you should be. I can help if you know who you are but are floundering in how to present yourself in a way that resonates with your target audience.

The problem stems from a lack of confidence. They suspect (but haven’t committed to the concept) that they are experts. They lack the confidence to express it in a tangible way. They question what the perception might be. Will their audience ridicule them for what they think is a lack of excellence. They throw up barriers to move forward. Having a lack of confidence is a scary place to be. Not only does it hinder who your are but also aids in failing to charge a fair dollar for your deliverables.

Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier, but one, that if you can breach, will deliver immense rewards. Those of us with confidence find it hard to understand why someone would be so hard on themselves, when the rewards are so encouraging. When I work with people and companies, I’m using the strategy that they focus on the money-maker. Most have a tendency to want to list everything they do, to show their scope of services. Lists are dangerous in that customers believe that since you’re listing services, if you fail to list something then you don’t do it. Ouch! My take is by focusing on your strongest service to get the door open, once in you have the opportunity to sell what else you do. It’s easier to build confidence if you focus on your strong point. Every time this happens, clients clearly have more fun and are excited by their brands (personal and business) again.

Understanding who you are can only make your brands more powerful, resonating in a big way. Not everyone is cut out for this bold a strategy and wish to remain with what keeps them safe and risk-free. Where has a safe harbour ever gotten anyone? Leaders are folks who embrace excitement and a challenge. Identifying who you are and acting on that in a direct way, changes the script you’re currently playing to. That in itself will generate enough confidence to hurdle the challenges you face.

So moving into a brand new year – who are you?

10 thoughts on “Who Do You Think You Are?”

  1. @mariamyers699_n lauriewdavis CircleApp Nice Laurie! Who better to believe in eh? Let’s hope other can find themselves this year and benefit from it.

  2. Yeah, I like it, focus on the strongest point. It would
    really give you the idea on how to relate your brand with the clients. Nothing
    really works more than knowing your brand first. 🙂

  3. maeganA It’s always a great place to start – it’s also a ‘practice what you preach’ approach as well. Thanks for commenting Maegan.

  4. This is such good advice. In my business, I constantly have to weigh in on if I am a “specialist” in what I am telling people I specialize in, and if I am that passionate about what I say I am, I go forward with learning everything I can about that particular subject of my business. It is hard to be an expert in such a broad area, but pinpointing “who I am” is awesome advice. Love the post.

  5. This definitely resonates with me.  I recently started my own business and it was tough (and sometimes still is) figuring out what services I was comfortable offering.  Instead of focusing on what I do know and how I can add value day one, I whined about the things I didn’t know.  This stems entirely from a lack of confidence.  And it led to extreme indecisiveness. Deadly when you are trying to stay motivated and start a business.  I am getting there though..Its about getting up off the floor, committing to a brand and driving it home..

  6. John Guanci  Well said John. It’s terrifying starting and maintaining any momentum. I’ve been doing this for more than thirty years and if I’ve learned anything it’s stay true to your brand and don’t give up on it. You’re living that lesson.

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