#10 Lessons From A Fearful Entrepreneur [Podcast]

You read that right. It’s meant to be fearful and not fearless.

That’s crazy! Why bother? We should be talking to fearless, swashbuckling, go-go-go entrepreneurs. I agree and we have been talking to a lot of strong men and women on our podcast in the past. However, I believe there is a lot we can learn from our weaknesses especially when we overcome them or when we figure out ways to press forward despite it.

In this episode, I readily confess 6 of my biggest fears and what I’ve learned from them.


Key Takeaways

  • Practice makes perfect, but lots of preparation never hurts.
  • Great content trumps your accent or your not so perfect spoken English.
  • You deserve success.
  • Setting a high standard right off the gate means you’ll only get even better going forward.
  • You know more than you give yourself credit for.
  • Once you begin doing, your knowledge grows automatically.


Resources & Mentions

Why Copycats Fail – by Kelly McCausey

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2 thoughts on “#10 Lessons From A Fearful Entrepreneur [Podcast]”

  1. mobilephonebooster121

    Thanks for sharing this informative post with us. But how can a fearful businessman is better than fearless businessman??

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