5 Important Branding Elements for Your Website

Branding ElementsIn today’s world, branding your website and branding your business are not much different, so the branding steps you take on your website are going to be strong branding aspects of your overall business. With that in mind, here are five important website branding elements to consider.

1. Your Name

Your business name is likely to be where all your branding efforts start, as it is likely to be the foundation for all “higher level” branding efforts that you undertake throughout your website.

The name you choose should be memorable. In many instances a potential customer will come across your business at a time when they’re not in a mindset of being ready to make a purchase. Rather, you’re going to want to make such an impression on that individual that they’ll be able to remember your site and find it again later when they’re ready to purchase. The best way to do this is to have a memorable business name.

2. Your Logo

Your business name will be the natural starting point for your website logo. As with the name itself, you should strive for a logo that quickly and accurately conveys to a prospect what your business is all about. Every element of the logo – from the font you use, to the colors you choose, to the graphic elements of the logo – all work together to express what your business is about. For example, using a font that’s futuristic will create an entirely different feeling than using an old-timey font, even if every other element of the logo is identical.

3. Your Voice

Another important way that you brand your website is by bringing your unique and individual voice to life. Think about the approach you take in your existing marketing and promotional efforts (or any approach you plan to take if you’re just starting out).

Do you tend to approach prospects by using your sense of humor? Do you seek to focus on your expertise or position of authority within your niche? Does your overall approach tend to be more objective and factual, or more “Touchy Feely.” What types of materials do you use to promote your products – words or pictures?

The answers to these questions help you identify your “voice.” You can also seek to identify your business voice by listing a half dozen traits or adjectives that you would like people to associate with your business.

4. Your About Us Page

When visiting a website for the first time, many people look for a page titled “About” or “About Us” to learn more about the person or people behind the site. Even if all the other pages on your website to a good job of bringing your desired voice to life, you need to have a strong “About Us” page to back this up. For example, if you’re using your business website to position yourself as an expert, the page should clearly set forth all relevant education and accomplishments in support of that expertise. You can provide this information in different ways and using different tones, but the substantive information in your “About Us” page should align with the other branding elements of your website.

5. Your Promise

Finally, the brand promise you make to every visitor to your website can help you turn prospects into paying customers. Looking at your website and the ways that you’re promoting your products, what types of promises are you making to your customers? Are you going to help them solve a particular problem they’re having? Are you promising to establish a long term relationship with them? Once you identify the promises you’re making (or trying to make), you can make sure your branding elements support them.

Keep in mind that the branding elements you’ve been using on your website up to now may not be the best ones to use going forward.

1 thought on “5 Important Branding Elements for Your Website”

  1. Nice post, Jennifer. I especially liked the point you made at the end about the branding elements you’ve been using not necessarily being the best ones to use going forward. All too often, entrepreneurs think that if they’ve been doing something for a long time, there’s value in it, even if it’s misleading or detrimental to their brand. It’s never too late to reinvent a brand that isn’t working! Thanks.

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