Ongoing Design Changes

As you can tell if you are reading this at our website [ ] and not through RSS, our site design has changed. The new look is in place to reflect the new authors who are regularly blogging here and turn Small Business Branding from my personal blog into a multi-authored blog magazine. You can now check out all the new shiny author faces along with each article.

The design changes are not complete and you will find plenty of left over content from the old design that will be changing over the coming weeks. There are also several code bugs that are causing some strange anomalies but rest assured we are working on them.

Michael Pollock, the original founder of Small Business Branding and now in charge of solostream webstudio is the man behind the new design work and is doing a great job, as per usual.

4 thoughts on “Ongoing Design Changes”

  1. Hello Danielle and Alan,

    I think this is a pretty true thing when you are developing anything. I’ve had a number of things fail over the past years and a few successes. As danielle can atest to, it isn’t easy and it is a journey… its the sum of experiences that lead you to a certain business or a certain understanding about the world around you that helps your business to take off.

    I’ve been in businesses in the past where heart was not and really the “experiments” of business have more to do with experience and knowledge gained than anything else. I’ve tried to have “the plan” but the only problem with that is that they aren’t fluid… plans change and so do people. If you love what it is that you do that’s great and if not you are in the wrong business. The only question is “How do i get there?” And the answer for that is different for everyone. Enough ranting for now. Cheers


  2. Aha! I was wondering when you were going to do this. It really didn’t make sense to keep the old format, what with the change in direction. Especially given the title of the blog.

    In all honesty, I’m not following the content of the site very closely at the moment, but I’m fascinated with how the site is growing and developing. It’s a great example of how a business can evolve and change until you get it to work.

    I used to think of business as something that had to start out with this grand plan detailing everything the business would ever become. I now realise that’s not the case. It’s more like a series of experiments that either work and grow, or fail and die.

    Unless you become emotionally attached to a bad idea, you almost can’t fail.

  3. Hi Alan – your comments regarding grand plans vs experiments really got my attention.

    I think you’re absolutely right. Perhaps in years gone by the grand plan concept was the best approach to growing a business, but I think today’s world moves too quickly and is just too volatile for that approach. I’ve only been in business a very short while, but I’ve come to believe that, while you do need a big picture direction, it’s a case of tuning into the rhythm of the market via experiments, and being alert to alternative approaches and opportunities that aren’t in “the plan”.

    And I love the optimism in your last sentence!

    Regards, Danielle

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