Don’t Advertise To This Guy!

I was checking my emails today and a friend of mine sent me a link to a BBC article about a guy who is doing everything he can to AVOID brands. I have to give it to the guy – It’ll sure be tough to live up to. I mean even when you look at necessary goods, many of them are becoming branded. (Would you even believe that ALDI supermarkets brands their meat, fruit and vegetables?)

Anyway, regarding the article, one thing which really stuck out for me in particular is this statement:

“Where some boys had posters of footballers or movie stars on their walls, I had images of trainers and turntables – to be surrounded by these names made me feel better about myself, transforming me from my humdrum middle class life in south London suburbia.”

If you ever learn ANYTHING about branding – This is what you need to learn to do. That is, to create a brand so distinct, engaging and appealing that people yearn to be around it. Even better, why not have a brand where consumers acctually feel better about themselves for being associated with that brandname.

Stay tuned to Small Business Branding folks, as I have a killer article coming on this topic.

Best of Luck Branding,
Robert Kingston.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Advertise To This Guy!”

  1. Robert – I love what you said here…

    “If you ever learn ANYTHING about branding – This is what you need to learn to do. That is, to create a brand so distinct, engaging and appealing that people yearn to be around it. Even better, why not have a brand where consumers acctually feel better about themselves for being associated with that brandname.”

    SO right on my man… So right on. I’m currently working to create such a brand. It’s a tricky thing to do, but definitely do-able.

    Brad Williamson

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