Branding is critical in understanding where your company fits into the grand scheme of things. In the public domain, discussions on branding are almost exclusively focused on multi-national brands. Brands we see in our daily lives. Brands such as Apple, General Motors, Google and McDonald’s. In discussing these powerful brands it becomes hard for small and medium size enterprises to recognize the value of branding. To these entrepreneurs, branding is the domain of world companies. Not so.
Small to medium size businesses are the main employers in our marketplace. From my experience a great majority of them do not take any control over the management of their brands nor do they claim any resonating position in their marketing. Re-branding to a large number of them is simply putting on a new face. i.e.: new logo and marketing materials. SME’s are a demographic who could stand to benefit immensely once they got a handle on how branding can position them as a leader in their category, invigorate sales staff and control perceptions on the street. Understanding just what their brand stands for allows them a greater opportunity to consistently tell their story, build relationships and drive sales.
With each passing step in my branding process I facilitate with companies, I observe a growing excitement with each participating company. Step-by-step, I see the branding team starting to get it. From discovering their governing brand values to discovering their brand personality. Each reveals truths good and bad that guides them forward to an improved understanding of their brand. As SME’s start gaining control and recognizing how they can differentiate themselves as a leader do they begin to realize just how much the exercise will benefit them. It is inspiring to see their management and stakeholders excited in how they are going to bring this newly acquired brand awareness to their customers. They begin to recognize that they can definitely have an impact on how their brand is perceived and what measures are needed to nurture it.
What’s fascinating is that the unique positioning is typically not something we have to invent, but more pulling from their existing experiences. Buried in their work flow are gems (or seeds) that need feeding. My job is to pull these forward and get the brand to see their unique benefit as a bridge to satisfying the customers needs. This discovery of their new positioning strategy, absolutely empowers everyone. It shows that if you take a bold position, you can stand for something greater than simply a clever slogan. Branding in totality changes a business. In most cases it encourages management to take a harder and critical look at themselves and make changes that make your brand authentic in your customers and other stakeholders eyes.
Managing this understanding is where the control of your brand comes into play. Ignoring branding, leaves you exposed to an unforgiving marketplace, where customers don’t understand or care what you stand for and your competition takes great joy in defining your brand for you. You have to step up if you want to become the leader, if you want to own your colour and if you want your brand to stand for something that gets prospects to your doorstep allowing sales to welcome them in. Once past your threshold can you then build a mutually profitable relationship that you both can grow on.
Customers want to work with strong brands and strong brands want to satisfy customers through exceptional relationships. Branding delivers on this in a memorable way.
Yes, i think taking a good brand can drive more sales for any business. So, every businessman should give more importance on branding.
 @WayneLifestyle We can only hope Wayne. Thanks for your opinion.
Great points, I totally agree that if you don’t define your brand then your competitors will.
So many small business owners seem to miss the element of their own personality and story in their branding. Â You can have very similar products and services to your competitors but adding your own unique opinions, examples and experiences makes your knowledge come alive and stand out to your customers and prospects.
Ensuring your branding stands out also helps your existing customers fully understand what you are about and be comfortable in referring you to their family, friends and colleagues.
Thanks for the post.
 @Robert Peters Robert – your last statement is spot on. People need a story to tell. If they can’t separate you from your competition on anything other than price, then you’ve lost before you’ve begun. I want my clients to recognize me at the very least as that “that branding guy” or the most as a Branding Expert. Either is a great compliment and a testament to MY brand.
Thanks for the article and learned something new, it was interesting to read.
 @milonumber2 New is good M. I look for something new everyday.
 @milonumber2 Thank you. Interesting website. What language am I looking at? Love the graphics.
Pricing is never the best way to compete. You definitely need something to offer besides best price. Usually we go for best service, best customer service, best quality, things like that. We want our company to be known as the best and easiest to do business with.
 @SMarkInc Good point, if you compete on price you enter a race towards poor margins and the bottom of the pile.  Best service and customer experience can be a great way to differentiate.
 @SMarkInc I try and find something they lead in or are the only of. Then of course they have to live it and maintain it. Thank you for your input SMark.
 @SMarkInc Of course if you claim the “best” high ground, you do indeed have to be the best in your category. Authenticity is also very important. Thank you SM.
Well….I have no words for this awesome post!!!
<a href=””>Well….I have no words for this awesome post!!!</a>
Well….I have no words for this awesome post!!!
Usually we go for best service, best customer service, best quality, things like that. We want our company to be known as the best and easiest to do business with.
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Toady’s branding is playing a vital role in increasing the market value of your product.So I am pretty much satisfied with your post and appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing, Ed!
 @Anders Michael Glad to Anders.
Wow.. I used to be searching for this and at last acquired it from this post. Thanks for making it easier.
Wow.. I used to be searching for this and at last acquired it from this post. Thanks for making it easier. <a href=””>Web Designing Company</a>
Thanks for the article and learned something new, it was interesting to read.You definitely need something to offer besides best price. Usually we go for best service, best customer service, best quality, things like that.