Spring Brings Fresh Ideas!

Spring is here and I’m taking the time today to see how I can improve my efforts to get my message out. I’m always trying to augment what I do with effective tools. A few things that I’m looking into is a mobile version of my website, webinars, getting more serious with Twitter and live workshops.

My web stats tell me that 24% of my visitors did so with a smartphone. That was enough to tell me that a mobile version of my website would be a smart move. I’m in the process of this now. The trick appears to be keeping text rich to accommodate the slow speeds of smart phones. I’m am also very aware of my brand image. The mobile site will naturally reflect this.

I’m researching webinars to see how I can leverage them to deliver high quality content. I’ve been a guest on several shows and they are fascinating in their reach and I love the instant response of the question segments. I expect it to be a lot of fun.

In the last month I’ve organized small branding workshops in the meeting room of my location. These have been received very well. I especially enjoy the conversation that springs up, as everyone around the table provides input and questions. It turns into a very invigorating discussion. My goal is to make them a subscription series.

What are you doing to further reach your audience? Do you have webinar experience you can share here? I’m interested in how it has helped you? Have you been able to monetize the effort?

So many questions. Let’s use this space to share best practices.

9 thoughts on “Spring Brings Fresh Ideas!”

  1. .I think every company should nowadays work on 2 areas: mobile version, for any platform(android,Iphone…) of their website and social media engagement meaning establishing quality social media channels and positioning on the most popular social networks

  2. Honestly, the way you response with the comments even though how crappy they were is a very good way of reaching out with your audience. Webinars are nice. I’ve listened to some but it takes some creativity to make your audience stay and listen. 

    1.  @cubicles Thank you for the kind words Cubilcles. I like most, don’t appreciate when some people use blogs to flog their wares in the guise of a comment – it’s just so amateur. I respond in the hope they may a little shame.
      I’m looking forward to my first webinar and hope that my audience finds some great info there. As for myself, my biggest hurdle with ‘attending’ a webinar is freeing up the time with no distractions. I especially like to listen afterwards on my own time. Being that that is more a podcast at that point, one of my thoughts is to make the webinar short and meaningful instead of any hour and then maybe cover a multitude of topics in short blasts.
      Testing will tell what my audience will bear. Wish me luck.

    2. @cubicles
       cubicles Thank you for the kind words Cubilcles. I like most, don’t appreciate when some people use blogs to flog their wares in the guise of a comment – it’s just so amateur. I respond in the hope they may have a little shame.
      I’m looking forward to my first webinar and hope that my audience finds some great info there. As for myself, my biggest hurdle with ‘attending’ a webinar is freeing up the time with no distractions. I especially like to listen afterwards on my own time. Being that that is more a podcast at that point, one of my thoughts is to make my webinars short and meaningful instead of any hour. Then maybe cover a multitude of topics in short blasts.
      Testing will tell what my audience will bear. Wish me luck.

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