In the small town where we live, there was once a pretty good family restaurant. Let’s call them “Steed’s”.
Steed’s served seafood buffet – the only one in town. The food was good and prices reasonable. While they weren’t exactly booked to the brim, they had a steady flow of customers daily. So they were profitable. Steed’s had also been there for decades. The family who owned it also owned several businesses in town and were quite reputable. Sadly, they are no longer in business and the reason had nothing to do with economy or big businesses crowding them out. What literally drove them bankrupt was a law suit.

The story was, a drunk driver coming out of their restaurant hit a bicyclist and killed him. Steed’s was found guilty of serving too many drinks to the driver.
This is truly tragic for both the bicyclist, his family and Steed’s. No matter what you personally think of the case and who’s at fault, the truth is, as business owners we must make an effort to cover our business or lose it all like Steed’s did. Years of hard work, feeding the family and perhaps years more to come all gone.
Your website is no exception. We’ve learned that businesses have been fined $25,000 for not having a risk disclosure on their website. That doesn’t include the amount they had to spend in attorney fees.
That may be small change for some businesses but we know of many who exist online are bootstrapping start ups or the mom or dad setting up shop to put food on the table who do not have easy access to such sums of money. Not counting the emotional stress. This is certainly an experience neither of us wants whether we can afford the fees or not.
The solution in easy. Go to an attorney to have these documents drafted. Unfortunately, your attorney may not be well versed with Internet law and if they were, their fees aren’t likely to be attainable for the average start up or family business. That’s where we found ourselves years ago.
Then, we discovered AutoWebLaw, put it to use immediately and continue to do so on every site we own. You can see the links to these documents in this site’s footer. If you’d like to get your hands on AutoWebLaw, you’ll be pleased to know it is quite affordable and you can get it right this very minute. We did it some time in 2005 and have never regretted it once. It gets used every time a new site is set up which is quite regularly. The nice part is finding new and updated documents for life. Just like the time when the FTC began cracking down on affiliate marketing, the documents were updated to reflect that and boy were we thankful.
And yes, by the way we are recommending this as an affiliate because we like, use, believe in it and think you should too. Consider using AutoWebLaw before it is too late.
Well, I was warned pretty well with that Steed’s story. I think if every businesses will learn to protect their customers first, things will eventually get well. And no need to cover up their mistakes.Â