If you have ever studied marketing and communications you may have learnt about the different ways people learn and study – by listening, reading, watching or experiencing. Generally most human beings learn through one of these methods and they have a "best" way to digest and comprehend information.
If you follow the 80/20 way of life where you maximize your working hours by only doing tasks that provide the most value for you, then discovering which way you learn most effectively is very important. While some people learn almost equally as effectively by listening to words as reading them, others have a very dominant way of learning and should only study using that method. For example I find I learn best by listening but I’m also good at reading, I’m just a slow reader so I need to skim read in order to best use my time. I tend to mix up my studying with both books and audio.
Some of you may not be regular readers of my other blog, Entrepreneur’s Journey, so I wanted to highlight an ever expanding resource that is available for small business owners that you can use if you enjoy learning through audio.
I produce a podcast show (if you don’t know what a podcast is have a read of this article – What Is A Podcast?) that currently has over 25 episodes, some interviews with entrepreneurs, others instructional "how-to" shows on Internet marketing and business. If you have an MP3 player they make great companions for exercising or road trips or just for times when you can’t read another word but some audio education may be good.
You can find the podcast listings in chronological order with the newest shows first in the Podcast Audio category at Entrepreneur’s Journey. You don’t have to have a portable MP3 player (such as an iPod) to listen to them, you just need some software on your computer that plays back MP3 files such as Winamp or Windows Media Player.
Here is a direct listing of all the shows to date:
Entrepreneur’s Journey Podcast in MP3
- #26 Interview With Robert Gerrish From FlyingSolo.com.au
- #25 Client Culling – Selecting The Best Clients For Your Business
- #24 Interview With Kevin Muoio From IPodMyBaby.com
- #23 Internet Business Conversation With Michael Pollock
- #22 Interview With Peter Harback From CoolThings.com.au
- #21 Website Marketing Using Compound Effects
- #20 Taking Payments Online – Part 2
- #19 Taking Payments Online – Part 1
- #18 Choosing a Business
- #17 Affiliate Marketing
- #16 Why You Sometimes Have to Say ‘No’ to Potential Clients
- #15 Dealing With Customer Complaints
- #14 Using Flyers to Advertise Your Business
- #13 Start-Up Your Business Today
- #12 Using Site Maps for Better Search Engine Results
- #11 Two Basic Search Engine Optimisation Tips
- #10 Interview with Will Swayne from Marketing-Results.com.au
- #9 Blogging and Podcasting Lessons
- #8 Positioning Strategy and Positioning Statements
- #7 Google SEO’ing using multiple websites
- #6 Creative Commons and Life Without PageRank
- #5 Enthusiasm for Business and Life
- #4 Books About Business
- #3 The Skype Revolution
- #2 Early adopters and beginners
- #1 Location, location, location…Offline marketing for online business