Pertinent Content and Popular Keywords

As a small business owner or CEO trying to broaden your internet target and get noticed, I’m sure you’re aware of the significance of new, fresh, recurring content on your site of all kinds. When it comes to written material on page copy or blogs and articles, you need to have the ability to write well, inform and entertain, that’s obvious. That’s for your followers. But if you can’t write as well for Google and the other search engines to maximize your material for Search Engine Marketing, you are the proverbial tree in the forest that falls when no one else is around. This post offers a frequently talked about yet misconstrued technique to help you make your content relevant and explode your SEO online.

Keywords and Google

Maybe you’ve heard of Google Adwords, Google’s main pay for placement tool on their mother of all search engine returns. You may have run a campaign or I bet you’ve at least been solicited by Google Adwords “professionals” to run your campaigns for you to help you pay less per click, otherwise known as PPC.

Well, Google provides a free tool to help you select keywords and phrases depending upon how much they are searched each month and how much opposition there is from other marketers. It’s called the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and while it is created for advertisers, it exposes plenty of clues about search engine optimizing your written content (or video tags) for your page copy and blogs. Unlike what many believe, you do not have to have an Adwords account to make use of this tool, and here is the link, so save this: link so you can use the tool later. If you need help with the tool, my instructional video to see exactly how to use Google’s Keyword Tool.

Uncomfortable Behaviors

When I write I like to write for the readers. I’ve seen too much content composed for search engine optimization that really stinks to the point of being unintelligible, stuffing keywords into sentences. It’s awkward to write like this for me, and perhaps for you, because it just feels odd and you can end up with an article or blog that seems bogus. Here are a few ideas for getting adjusted to it:

  1. Utilize the Adwords Tool first and come up with 3-5 keyword (phrases) for your site, using high-traffic, low-competition keywords where possible. Keep them on a list in front of you.
  2. Lay out your paragraph or article in consideration of the phrases you selected for SEO. It might give a different slant than you first had or take you down a different path that you know interests the people out there.
  3. Write your article dropping in the key phrases on your list where they click. Add a check mark every time you use a keyword, and you can use variations of a keyword to not sound too repetitive (spot gold, spot gold prices, spot gold pricing, gold prices).
  4. Re-read for balance and content flow, and edit where necessary.

That’s it! Get used to that process and it will get easier and easier.


Watch my instructional video to see exactly how to use Google’s Keyword Tool.

11 thoughts on “Pertinent Content and Popular Keywords”

  1. One thing to keep in mind with the google keyword tool is the measure of competition that is displayed is for PPC only. Many keywords will show low competition for PPC but still be very competitive for the organic listings. Sometimes these keywords can still be utilized though the way you described.

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  4. Pingback: Pertinent Content and Popular Keywords

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  6. Wow!! great article!I am impressed,actually i was just looking for itI will keep following your blogwell done!! Warm regards…mp3

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    This’s good post. with the help of this post we know information about pertinent Content and Popular Keywords.

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