It’s Time To Step Up Your Game

The passing of Steve Jobs this week got me thinking of another iconic American CEO who was also loved by consumers the world over.

Before I reveal his identity, I have to say that Steve Jobs has been compared (this week) to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, in their contributions to our modern lifestyle.

Steve Jobs I believe, surpasses these gentlemen because of a personal connection he had with his audience – the consumer. How many deceased CEO’s can you name that have had the general public laying wreaths at their doors? Not only do their customers not mourn their passing, they really aren’t aware they even passed. When the day comes that Bill Gates meets his maker, will he see the same outpouring of love? I wonder. For all that critics say about consumerism, you have to admit, even they were silenced this week. This is the epitome of a super brand, where both the corporate brand and the personal brand of the visionary are perfectly aligned with their buying audience.

The other American icon that I believe shares the same love that Steve Jobs has, is Walt Disney. He was an independent thinker, and he developed amazing things, ignoring those who thought he was nuts. Walt Disney’s passing was met with the same level of sadness and admiration for his achievements. We need visionaries like Walt and Steve to help us rise about the mediocre.

Take a look at your own brand. If you passed away tonight, would your customers miss you? Could they replace you easily? If so, what do you have to do to build your brand into something iconic with your stakeholders? Does your brand relationship change lives? Your brand doesn’t have to be as massive as Steve, or Walt’s to resonate with stake holders. You only have to make your passion contagious and provide an experience that makes it a pleasure to interact with you.

Maybe the next Steve Jobs or Walt Disney is you!

28 thoughts on “It’s Time To Step Up Your Game”

  1. If you can generate good amount of Jobs for people, then you know you have been successful. Unless and until your business does not employ and support people along with it then it seems meaningless. A merchandised business seems like a dead business, and only people can breath life into it.

  2. If you can generate good amount of Jobs for people, then you know you have been successful. Unless and until your business does not employ and support people along with it then it seems meaningless. A merchandised business seems like a dead business, and only people can breath life into it.

    1. @Augadha Creating jobs is a good sentiment, but it takes all models of business to create a community. Great attitude to care for your neighbor though.

  3. I would like to add “Eric Emerson Schmidt” to your list.Technical world have many enthusiastic entrepreneurs who established their imprints forever.

  4. Albany Web Design

    Steve Jobs did do a lot to transform society and inspire people to pursue their passion, whether or not they were a college graduate or someone who came from a privileged background.

    1. @Albany Web Design He was a fascinating person for sure. I’m anxious to read the authorized biography coming on Nov. 1. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Pingback: It's Time To Step Up Your Game – Small Business Branding

  6. Ed, this question feels like someone slapping you hard on the face, but not without sense: “..If you passed away tonight, would your customers miss you?” Now, that made me thinking… a lot. I guess, making profit is easy, but making a difference is something only a gifted few has dared to achieve. Maybe, Steve Jobs and Walt Disney are smiling right now at this post you wrote, in a good way that is. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. People will remember you if you’re good and nice or you contributed something that made their lives an extra ordinary one. Rob Benwell

  8. To be like Steve Jobs, or Thomas Edison ,etc…you need that at least 1 family member in about 80% of the families around the world have or ever had one of you products, or they wish they have one soon rather than later, get that and you will be one of them, a genious

    1. @yolioliver Every generation has the potential for greatness. It’s daunting how you spell it out yolioliver, but it is absolutely inspiring!

      1. Sorry I meant a genius, I am Spanish and I am trying everyday to improve my spelling, I am very sorry for my mistakes. Thanks for being friendly with me

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  10. Hi

    All the big names that you mentioned were great people and have contributed a lot in their respective fields.

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