3 thoughts on “How Poorly Planned Design Kills Your Brand”

  1. Kit Singleton

    Hey Matt,

    Great points. One thing I’ve noticed about color is that when you include an “expected” color with your site it can help people to remember it. For example, in the food niche many people use earth tones and veggie colors.

    The food site I own is about country cooking, which often makes people think of red for barns and black for cast iron. When you put the colors together with the country cooking title and the visual logo it makes the site (and branding) more memorable.

  2. Kit Singleton

    Hey Matt,

    Great points. One thing I’ve noticed about color is that when you include an “expected” color with your site it can help people to remember it. For example, in the food niche many people use earth tones and veggie colors.

    The food site I own is about country cooking, which often makes people think of red for barns and black for cast iron. When you put the colors together with the country cooking title and the visual logo it makes the site (and branding) more memorable.

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