Companies often face difficulties when determining which outlets they will utilize to broadcast information. Ideally, a company’s information would be broadcast directly from one spot – or “hub†to the source. In most cases, however, companies maintain several entities on the Web such as social networking sites and blogs. Companies must execute a successful strategy to encourage visitors to their social networks to visit their website through calls-to-action.
Think of a “hub†as the trunk of a tree, the backbone of online strategy. The social networking sites and blogs are the braches, but branches cannot survive without the trunk; the trunk provides stability.
The benefit of a hub allows for a coordinated use of social networking tools such as Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Flicker accounts, etc. to lead visitors to your website where you control the outgoing message. In order to control the outgoing message, it is imperative that companies have the ability to update their website with new content without the help of an entire development team.
The simplest way to manage all of your online content is to implement a content management system (CMS) to organize and control the flow of information.
Content management systems allow website administrators to add and edit content on their own; some enterprise content management systems allow users to login from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. One of the major advantages of using a content management system is that eliminating the need to contact a company’s development team will ultimately result in decreased costs. In addition, companies are given the freedom to update their content at their leisure.
Once a company has developed a strategy to drive visitors to their website from social media sites, they can begin to focus on developing compelling and relevant content that will encourage visitors to come back multiple times. Ensuring people are visiting a controlled information source, whether it is directly though the website or through social media sites, is vital when delivering important information.
Building a company website in a content management system allows companies to deliver relevant content to current clients and their target market as often as they please making it an ideal hub for all marketing communications. Learn more about implementing a content management system.
You are right, Liz. A content management system needs to be there.
your imagination is great and your comparison is an appreciated one.
I have a chance to know about the CMS. Actually this is the first time am hearing about this and searched in google and i got many useful info about this CMS and i got one idea to improve my sites visits.
I have to say this one that social bookmarking and blogs are the two eyes of SEO . nice post my best wishes for your further post.
hi liz
nice article and as peter said above it would need to best and powerfull CMS and i think wordpress is a king of CMS world.
Wow! Great content! I have recently started social media marketing myself. Very helpful.
Great Post!
I follow your website and found very informative information in this post. Thanks for sharing this amazing and wonderful post with us.
It really concerns me that companies are fragmenting their online presence across sites like twitter, facebook, and linkedin instead of creating a hub as this article suggests.