Bob Parsons Blogs the Competition

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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In the “collaborative culture” of the 21st century, you rarely hear people talk about competition and competing. Of course, that doesn’t belie the reality that competition still exists, which is another great reason to have a company blog. A blog can help you deal with competition, or at least get your fair say about an issue raised by competitors.

Bob Parsons ( founder) does just that in his post:  Seeing through Network Solutions’ smoke and mirrors. Their new campaign of misinformation. Setting the record straight. A suspect deal.

“I make it a point to seldom comment on what Go Daddy’s competitors say and do. The reason is that I prefer to focus on Go Daddy’s business. I’ve decided to make an exception today. The reason for the exception is because a competitor chose to make statements about Go Daddy in a published interview. Here are my comments regarding the interview and what I believe, overall, is a campaign of misinformation.”


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