Accept Credit Cards On Your Phone or iPad

People have been wanting to process credit card payments on the go for years. I still remember the applications and hardware that you have to have before.

As with anything, new technology makes it lighter and easier than ever. Take Square for example. It is a small little card reader that you plug into your phone or iPad.

When you sign up for an account with Square,  you will get the card reader free in the mail. Then you can start processing payments. There are no monthly contracts or fees or merchant account involved. They do take a cut out of each payment and card swipe – that’s to be expected.

Supported phones or devices are iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and selected Android devices.

3 thoughts on “Accept Credit Cards On Your Phone or iPad”

  1. that’s very cool and might revolutionise the way small businesses and sole traders do business! now, if only I had an iPhone…

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