The Nuts and Bolts of Micropersuasion

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Steve Rubel  (Micropersuasion) is one of my favorite bloggers. And apparently I’m not alone. He draws well over 5000 unique readers PER DAY. That’s impressive to me. Especially when I get about one-tenth that on a good day (give or take).

I’ve always thought that, as a solopreneur, the biggest question you
have to answer is: "how do I get and hold the attention of at least
10,000 people who are hungry for what I serve?"

Debbie Weil was kind enough to tell us how Steve does it in her recent post: Steve Rubel reveals his 4-hour a day blogging playbook. Here are some of the high points:

  1. Steve posts an average of five blog entries a day, 7 days/week.
  2. Most of his posts, according to Debbie, are "quick
    annotations of 100 to 150 words – or fewer. Only once or twice a week
    does he take the time to write something longer."
  3. Using Bloglines, he monitors some 350 various blogs and news services, including Google News, Technorati, PubSub,, Icerocket and Blogdigger and CNET’s Newsburst.
  4. He uses to generate a once-a-day linkblog like this one (btw, here you can learn how to dump your links into a typepad blog post).
  5. He spends four hours/day blogging.

When you look at that last one, you probably say something like, "how could I possibly find an extra 4 hours to do that?" And I can’t say I disagree with you. I know how it is.

If you’re already investing 4 hours in some other method(s) to get yourself in front of 10,000 people AND it’s working for you, stick with it. Of course. But if not, start thinking about creating a blogging system for yourself. A process for generating blog posts consistently.

  • Put it on your calendar.
  • Start using the tools that are available.
  • Become a human information aggregator for your network.
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