Branding More Important than Ever

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Everywhere you look today, people are talking about the growing ubiquity of user-generated online content. One of the latest comments comes from Samual Rose writing for Smart Mobs (via B2DAY):

“ It seems to me that someday soon, as more and more cities are set up with city-wide free wireless broadband, someone is going to figure out a way to deliver music digitally with the same (relative) ease as broadcast radio does now.

“Basically, they will build a WiFi card into an iPod-type device. People will have (potentially) infinite number of ‘channels’ to choose from, which will really be servers that they are streaming or downloading ‘podcasts’ from to their mobile device (or laptop, etc).”

And this from Wired:

“What happens when the data flow is asymmetrical – but in favor of creators? What happens when everyone is uploading far more than they download? If everyone is busy making, altering, mixing, and mashing, who will have time to sit back and veg out? Who will be a consumer?”

It’s a wonderful thing this growing global integration of humanity made possible by Web 2.0. Yet, it presents a challenge to those of us who endeavor to make a living as solopreneurs. New times call for new thinking, and I can’t help but believe your most important strategy to thrive in Web 2.0 is to build your business by building a brand that has real value and meaning to your network.

Am I stating the obvious? Or is this a novel approach to building a small business?

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