3 Time Tested Ways To Get More Website Traffic

Who could use more website traffic? If you didn’t have your hands up then wow, congrats! Almost all site owners big or small whom I know are always looking for ways to get more traffic. After all without traffic you’re not really in business. Just like plants need sun and water to grow your online business needs traffic to thrive. But how? You won’t find a shortage of people proclaiming a certain channel. Social media! Some cry from the roof tops. Blogging! Others shout into their megaphones.

Well, they may be right but over time, I’ve learned that there are always some time tested methods that work quietly but surely. They may not be as sexy as the newer shinier methods but they still work. Here some of them that you can implement right away to start getting more traffic to your website – Fast!

Become an author. Publishing articles online is a sure way to get traffic to your website. But publishing articles is not just great for getting more website visitors, it also positions you as an expert in your field. Not only will potential customers read your articles and visit your website, they will also view you as an industry expert. This means you build trust and credibility. This is why publishing your own articles is a sure fire way to improve your business. In more recent years, this has taken the shape of guest blogging. It’s the same thing, just different platform.

And if the thought of writing articles sounds daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Web writing is conversational in nature. Simply see it as an extension of your website and put your knowledge into an article format. Then distribute the articles to online article directories as well as trusted, high-ranking websites. The more high-profile websites you can get your articles published on the better.

Budget for advertising. Advertising doesn’t have to be scary and you don’t need a huge budget to get great results. The key here is to keep in mind that you’re a small business owner. You don’t want to concentrate on building your brand as such (this takes a great deal of money as well as experience to do correctly) but instead you want to gain a little exposure as well as those highly sought-after incoming links.

Incoming links help to build the credibility of your website within the search engines. The more credible a website appears to the search engines, the more traffic it will receive. To make this strategy work for you, advertise on high-ranking websites related to yours. You want to look for at least a 4 or 5 ranking website which receives a sufficient amount of traffic each month. Take a look at Alexa.com to help determine the popularity of a website.

Write great content. Regularly adding high-quality content to your website is one of the main things you can do to get more traffic. Always think of ways you can help your visitors by adding articles, tips, and helpful information to your website.

Structure the content in a clear order which makes it easy for both your visitors and the search engines to find your website pages. You’ll also want to include a site map to help make things easier for your visitors and the search engines, and to make sure that all your pages are properly optimizes so that your website can be found on search results.

You really can’t go wrong by adding quality content to your website on a regular basis. Not only does it position you as an expert, it also builds credibility and sends more traffic your way.

Getting website traffic doesn’t have to be difficult. It does take time and a little effort but your hard work will be rewarded with long-term results and a profitable, established website.

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21 thoughts on “3 Time Tested Ways To Get More Website Traffic”

  1. As for web traffic, I prefer the quality more than the quantity.
    It is true on that all those more visits more contentment our client can put, but ultimately what really matters is ROI

    1. That’s true on quality. However, I also think that quality does not always have to mean very low in quantity. You can get *and should aim for* lots of quality traffic.

      Talking about quality, I am reminded about something. We attract what you put out.

  2. Great advice Ken.

    The time factor is certainly a key ingredient together with a patient and diligent approach to updating with regular content and article submission to article directories.

    It’s a fascinating game competing with the search engines, but very satisfying when your website appears on page 1 in position 1.

    Well worth the effort for any business these days.

    1. Yes, sometimes it is easy to forget that it was the tortoise that won the race. Too many people make us buy into that instant star and overnight sensation thing. What they don’t tell you is these ‘stars’ have had many years of training, hard work and heartache behind them.

      1. I am by no means against the bright shiny things.I just prefer to utilize time tested and proven strategies for my staple.Once all of that is accomplished then I can reach for something new to try.

  3. I agree Ken, content is really key to driving targeted traffic, majority of small business owners underestimate that. Great content apart from links, positions you as an expert, which is hard to get with other ways.

  4. WHile I agree that these are some good steps, they dont’ always work. I’ve seen oen or two blogs that post good articles constantly for months and months and they still never get any traffic.

    1. Philip. I think that’s where the misunderstanding is. Content is key but writing on your blog alone won’t take you anywhere. A blog is no different than a regular web site. If you just focus on adding content to your web site, you can get somewhere but probably not too far.

      Pair up the content with good SEO, promotion like referring people to your content in social media or forums where discussions are going on and taking some of that content for distribution will definitely help turn things around.

      1. Hi Lynette,
        I’m new to this site. I just happened to read your post about increasing SEO traffic to a site. I agree that writing on your blog alone is not enough. Just like you, I have seen that distributing content to other sites helps to drive more traffic to my sites. The important thing, however, is to use keywords to drive qualified traffic. A few months ago I was doing a KW research on Google Keyword tool and found a couple of keywords that seemed to be overlooked- they had low competition and high search volume. So I started planning my SEO campaign around them to attract buyers to my product page. Two months later I had lots of visitors but no sales. I realised that the issue was with the keywords I had used in my distributed content. They were keywords that were attracting people seeking information only and not people wanting to buy! My point is: SEO using content and articles is effective. It also has to be targeted on such keywords that will bring the desired traffic.

        1. Oh it is funny you bring up this point – an excellent one by the way. I too am just recently working into our strategy. All keywords are not created the same like you discovered.

          There are info finding keywords and there are keywords where people are looking to buy.

  5. I also agree with you for these points. Writing a rich and original content matters a lot in getting good traffic to your website.

  6. Wow, that really strikes me hard! I am sure I will learn a lot from her, thanks for sharing her link.

  7. Fantastic post for any size business (or individuals) to read. Publishing articles or a blog is one of my favorite tips, since small business owners are often experts in their field and have some great knowledge to share!

  8. Loved reading the blog post. You have explained some most crucial points that can help improve the traffic. No wonder, if you have a good writing skills, you can perform miracles over the internet.

  9. All business owners want to give more and traffic to your website to be in top of search results. Publishing article on high PR directories is good approach to generate traffic, it emphasizes the visitors that you are an expert about that topic, and they wish to visit again and it will surely increase traffic on site. If you are a small business owner then don’t spend too much money on advertising and write articles that contain high value data and updated with current time.


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