Everyone Will be a Savvy Solopreneur in 10 Years

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Wired Magazine – We Are The Web:

The Web continues to evolve from a world ruled by mass media and mass
audiences to one ruled by messy media and messy participation. How far
can this frenzy of creativity go? Encouraged by Web-enabled sales,
175,000 books were published and more than 30,000 music albums were
released in the US last year. At the same time, 14 million blogs
launched worldwide. All these numbers are escalating. A simple
extrapolation suggests that in the near future, everyone alive will (on
average) write a song, author a book, make a video, craft a weblog, and
code a program.
This idea is less outrageous than the notion 150 years
ago that someday everyone would write a letter or take a photograph." (emphasis mine)

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