How To Read/Write A Blog

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Since blogs are still pretty much in the early adopter phase, I thought I’d provide a few good links to help get some folks up to speed (if you’re not already).

About Blogs, in general – Technorati provides a tidy little summary about blog basics, as well as an FAQ that lends great support to the hotly debated notion that blogs are the greatest thing since Victoria’s Secret.

How to read a blog – John Dvorak (Dvorak Uncensored) posted a neat little primer that’s basic yet comprehensive (is that a contradiction?). Yes, I’d be happy to tell you myself how to read a blog, but I’m really not sure how I do it. It just happens.

How to write a blog – Alot to talk about here.

1. First off, the boys over at Business Logs created the PDF whitepaper, Writing For the Web, that you can download for free. Lots of good stuff about blog writing, including (following is from their site):

  • Choosing your voice and being consistent with it.
  • Understanding your audience before you begin and as you go.
  • The type of posts will best suit your company.
  • Making things easy to read.
  • The importance of humor.
  • The necessity of honesty

2. Seth Godin has a short but interesting post titled Beware the CEO blog. Even if you’re not a CEO, you need to know get this.

3. Dennis Mahoney, writing from A List Apart, drops a thunderously entertaining load of words when he describes, simply, How to Write a Better Weblog. My favorite line (well, one of my favorites) is "Being a writer is funny. Don’t take yourself too seriously."

4. And well, you just can’t leave out Debbie Weil when you talk about blogging. She writes BlogWrite for CEOs, and her stuff is phat (ooh, damn, did I just say that?). Really, I couldn’t pick out just one post from her site. There are so many good ones. Get over there and checkem out. Even if you’re not a CEO. Blogging is blogging, whether you receive stock options, decide the dinner options or both.

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