smallbusinessbranding Gets a Much Needed Facelift

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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I get bored easily. Especially when it comes to the design of this site. If you’ve followed my progress since I began blogging in December, you may have noticed I change the look of smallbusinessbranding every couple of months.

I’m not really a designer. I just know how to do some design. It’s more like hacking than designing. I see things I like and simply try to re-create it, blending in a bit of my own touches here and there. The code is sloppy underneath it all, but it looks pretty good on the surface.

If you’d like to see some sweet design, check out some of the sites that are part of the 9rules network. There are some very talented people doing cool stuff over there. The latest design for smallbusinessbranding was inspired by a combination of Paul Davidson’s Word’s For My Enjoyment, Peter Flaschner’s Almost Cool and Aurum3 Movies.


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