This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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Jennifer Rice is my first nominee for the Top Ten Smartest Blogging Babes. She blogs from What’s Your Brand Mantra? I could certainly spew a list of reasons to justify myself, but you’d be better off visiting her site to see for yourself that my ranking is right on target. Especially for this post on Brand as Ecosystem. Here’s just a sliver:
"And that is the fundamental problem: focusing on the puzzle pieces and not the puzzle itself. We are artificially creating separation between the company and customers – and between different departments within the same company – when in fact we are all part of the same system. The customer is simply a component of that system; no piece is more or less important. It’s what I call the ecology of business. We need to switch our focus from components to connections. A brand is an ecosystem. The strength of the brand is directly proportional to the number and strength of the connections within the system. Connections, not components, are the brand drivers."
I’ll add to the list over the coming weeks. Feel free to submit your own nominees via the comments section. But be prepared. I may ask for justification.