While I’m still getting to know the readers here at Small Business Branding I have a good hunch that most of you do run small businesses from home.
The internet makes it amazingly easy to run a business as a solopreneur. With an internet you can have all the tools you need to rival a real ‘brick and mortar business’ with a tiny fraction of the cost.
Tools like:
– A Storefront (Website)
– Merchant Processing (Paypal)
– Shopping Carts
– Products (Virtual or Physical)
– Staff (Virtual Assistants)
All the tools in the world won’t make you a successful business if you don’t know WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU WANT.
I like to write about what I know, so this topic is very familiar to me. You see I spent many years being a ‘people pleaser’. I made life decisions based on who others told me who I should be and not based on the person I was. Bad, bad move.
What does this have to do with business, especially small business? E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!
Knowing who you are and what you really want allows you to do everything better in business. It also allows you to be truly unique since you are the only person that ever was and ever will be uniquely you.
Knowing Yourself Allows You to Brand Yourself
When you create a brand that fits you it becomes so much easier to:
- Write from the heart
- Make long term decisions
- Surround yourself with people who get you
- Attract customers and clients who are a perfect fit
It’s all well and good for me to tell you to ‘know yourself’ but how do you do that? How do you say to yourself “So, who are you?”. Sometimes it’s hard to face but I tell you from experience once you do your business will get easier and you’ll love it more every day.
I really believe the state of ones current business is 100% a reflection of their personal development. If you need to do more work then you’re business will show it in many ways.
Maybe you’re struggling to make it work at all and getting cash flow positive. Maybe you’re working with all the wrong clients and wondering how you attract them like a magnet. Or maybe you jump from one business to another without ever making anything really work.
I’ve been there!
How To Work on Personal Development For Business
There are many ways you can get reacquainted with you. Choose what works for you. Here are some ideas:
– Take Courses.
– Read Books.
– Do Yoga.
– Meditate.
– Meet People, Have Fun!
– Take Tests.
– Ask Others.
– Read Market From The Heart. (I wrote this 😉 )
Whatever you do know this: A successful business is not just for the priviledged. Never give up, know your goals, know yourself, create your brand and go for it like never before.
Great article Angela. I’m in the process of trying to come to a decision to close one business that has been very successful, and hunting around for something new to do. Printing this out to read every once in a while as I make this transition — very good advise.
I totally agree but the whole reading books and taking courses is a dangerous road. I know a lot of bloggers and starting out small business owners who are totally addicted to learning more and growing more. But what they forget it applying and DOING. Nothing matters as long as you don’t use it.
I see others succeeding big time that are real DOers. They have some failures but they learn from that and have first hand experience how things work and not from something they read.
Thanks for another inspirational post 😀
Ya its right Angela if we don’t know who we are and what we are than whats the point in getting successful in life. Am giving my example only i never knew what i am but after joining SEO i came to know about my success…..i know it will take me more time to understand but i got some new advice from you….
Thanks Angela…….do give us more and more ideas and ill surely visit your given site…..
Awesome post. I totally agree with you. Your post is very meaningful for the new generation.Thanks for sharing this post and keep blogging.