Free Business Resources for You

I’ve had a wonderful morning although the two teenagers are home studying for their exams this week so I’ve had to share the computer today (my laptop died about a month ago and my second computer is now dead.. time for a new one).

Anyhow, I just wanted to share these awesome free business resources with you. 🙂

East Tech, this software is normally $49 but is free until Jan 31st, 2010 – it Securely and permanently erases unwanted data.

Quick Books Simple Start:

Photoshop Alternative (free download):

Data Recovery if your Computer Crashes (like mine did ooy!)
expires Feb 1st, 2010

Creates partitions on your hard drive:
expires Feb 1st, 2010

If you haven’t joined us yet, we’d love to have you participate in the Small Spark Contest… it’s not hard, just a small spark:

SBB Small Spark Contest 2010: Building Relationships With Subscribers & Customers

PS.. wonder how I get access to these great downloads? I don’t scurry the net, (too busy for that) I use ONE trusted resource.

7 thoughts on “Free Business Resources for You”

  1. Nice list. I can personally vouch for Gimp being a great alternative to Photoshop. I use it all the time, and haven’t found anything PS does that Gimp doesn’t. Granted I’m not a super user, or major graphic designer, but for 90% of the people out there it will probably suit their needs.


  2. Even though the dates have past for accessing these w/ no charge they are well worth the investment. I don’t know anyone that hasn’t had their computer crash at the worst time possible 🙂

  3. That is a great post – so many people will benefit from that. We have a list of free directories to list you business on our blog and our readers love that stuff.

  4. As a fellow small business owner, just wanted to add my own comments on some of these as I am surprised how much we are using that is common.

    Quick Books Simple Start edition is the accounts package I settled on after a lot of research and trying a few different programs. I have just upgraded to the paid version (there are some limits on the free one but they don’t affect you until you’ve gotten used to the program and are starting to push its limits) so I can add a few more suppliers.

    I am an ex-photoshop user and was reluctant to switch over to Gimp but the price of getting a PS licence put me off – I haven’t looked back. GIMP is as easy to use as photoshop (once you get over a couple of minor quirks like it tends to want to sit low in the ‘z’ order of displayed windows) and I have been able to do everything I need for my business graphics using this program.

    I have not tried the Easus data recovery program but I have used their partition master software which got me out of a nasty situation about a year ago so, once again, recommended.

    Nice resource list. I will be checking out the other products since you clearly have excellent taste in these matters!

  5. If you switch to GIMP why not try Open Office or even replace Windows itself with Linux. Ubuntu linux is a great distribution. No licence fees and No viruses.

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