This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.
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I didn’t actually come up with that headline on my own. It’s the tag line for Pink Magazine. I spotted the premier issue of Pink in Borders, right next to the Entrepreneur Magazine in which I was mentioned (see previous post).
My first thought was what a stroke of brilliance it was. There are tons of biz mags out there but none geared toward women specifically. Makes me wonder what took so long. Here’s a sampling of the cover storIes:
- Get Fired Like a Man
- When Women Rule
- Managing Billions? Why You Need a Mentor
- 9 Stay-Sharp Secrets
What impresses me most about this is the willingness to take a risk and do something completely different. Conventional wisdom suggests there must be a reason why there are no business mags geared specifically toward women. Like maybe because they won’t sell and/or attract the advertising dollars upon which a successful magazine feeds. My opinion, however, is it’s a home run. A brilliant strategical move. Long overdue.
Here’s an excerpt from "Memo From The Bos," written by the Pink’s founder, Genevieve Bos:
"You are reading PINK because you are intelligent and brave, and made a decision at some point in your life – that whether you work part time, or 80 hours a week – you are going to make the most out of your work experience …
"Please, pay close attention to the forward-thinking companies that put their money where their press releases are – by supporting PINK … These are organizations taking steps to help you become even more successful."
To all the wonderful, brave women AND men at PINK, congratulations and best of success in your new endeavor. Keep blazing the trail.
Here are some relevant words of wisdom from some guys I greatly admire (if anyone has similar thoughts from women, I’d love to hear them as well):
"Don’t try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether … Is you plan unique? Is there nobody else doing it? Then I’d be excited. A little scared, maybe, but excited." Hugh Macleod, gapingvoid
"Some people say I’m afraid to compete. I think one of the jobs of a
businessperson is to get away from slugfests and into niches where you
can prevail. The fundamental goal is to get rid of weakness, to find a
sheltered womb where no one can hurt you. There’s no virtue in looking
for a fight. If you’re in a fight, your job is to win. But if you can’t
win, you’ve got to find a way out." Jack Welch, as quoted by Noel M. Tichy and Stratford Sherman in Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will."If you want to be loathsome to God, just run with the herd." Soren Kierkegaard