As you can see here at the blog we have been advertising our new program Brand Booster 21. If you go to that link today, you will see there is nothing there yet, Ed and I have some pretty big plans for that domain. BUT for now our focus is getting Brand Booster 21 Revved up here for you. 🙂
Starting November 2nd, 2009 we will be rolling the program for you. All you need to do to participate is come here to the blog each day for the next 21 days and you will gain some serious insight on how to finally build your CORPORATE BRAND. Ed and I will be here every day to answer your questions and help you along each day.
We look forward to serving you the next month, we cannot wait to get started!
Vera Raposo & Ed Roach
Your Brand Booster 21 TEAM!
It is really a good thing to be started. It will help a lot of guys market and advertise their nmew business. I will definiotely come to your blog everyday and read out those posts.