If you’ve ever read any of my articles, you’ll know that I equate brand with reputation. I don’t think it matters one little bit what you try to do to “spin” a good story about what your company is (or wishes it was). Unless that story is a genuine experience you are powerless to change anything.
Of course, there are countless companies out there who are ‘attempting’ to change a certain perception, but at the end of the day the only people that they are fooling are themselves. Place branding comes to mind. (Place = city, town, country etc.) I find it laughable how many cities whose images are that of a polluted, downtrodden grey community, feel they can turn everything around simply by slapping on a new logo complete with a snazzy slogan and creative advertising. They honestly feel that the spin my friends will bring to town the elusive tourists and investors.
Just like great advertising kills bad products, great advertising will also kill bad brands. How would you appreciate it if you were compelled to visit one of these cities based on the supposed “re-branding” (poor definition). The boarded up downtown, the smell in the air will send you packing. You will quickly realize that the destination attributes were spun. Once, home you will tell ten people of your impression, and in the world of social media, how fast do you think that city’s reputation will be trashed? Many politicians and similarly some CEO’s want the quick solution. They don’t want to hear that you have to fix the problem FIRST then you go about promoting it. In our world today, perception is reality.
If your brand has a lot to be desired, I’m afraid you’re going to have to fix it first. All that money for new logos and advertising will be wasted otherwise.
Of course, you could choose to do nothing. Blame the recession. We all know that just below the surface there lies a problem – the great news is it’s not hopeless – it just takes a leader to make the brand real again.
I think it is much better if companies must demonstrate on how there brand are made so that people know and can choose properly what brand they are looking for.
Thank you BOC – any amount of information is going to better equip a customer and assist them in making an informed decision.