Ok so it wasn’t so bad putting it together, the hardest part was to get my makeup on for the video. But just wanted to quickly share with you a couple things and to introduce video here at the site, and my new glasses. 🙂
Recently Ed wrote about Coming out from behind your brand so I decided that it was due time to get a video up. Ed has a very strong brand and often times people even think this site is his own baby, but it’s mine. It doesn’t surprise me since Ed has what, 25 years experience in Branding?! THAT is the person I want to learn from and continue to develop a strong brand with.
Anyhow, I have an announcement in the video and I promise the video is super short. You can see the video in the new FEATURED VIDEO section.
Oh and do you like my new glasses? I’m not so sure about BLACK. Kinda late though.
Great video…perfect length AND I love the glasses 🙂
Great job Vera! Make sure you keep em coming ;). I love your glasses too. Sometimes I wish I had glasses, nice glasses just make people look so sharp!
Kudos on venturing into the world of video Vera!
Hmmm… I don’t really ‘get’ the square glasses on anybody – but you look distinguished anyways 🙂
Thanks much ladies as for the glasses, I completely blame them on my daughter. Must be the style around here or something. 🙂
Really nice glasses. Very formal to look at.
I think its possible to leverage a brand in a video, you don’t necessarily have to associate a face with the brand to make it work.
Hi! I too have been thinking about creating my first video entry; however, I’m somewhat intimidated by the mechanics of shooting it and putting it together. Did you find the process hard? Did you look anywhere in particular for tips about video blogging?
BL, you’re right you don’t. I only ask that you consider it. It’s an option that works great for the right message.
Jake – Thanks. 🙂
BL – good point.
Ashleigh – Oh don’t be, it’s very easy when you use Audio Acrobat plus the web cam on my computer. I literally didn’t have to study anything, it is very easy. You can check it out here http://www.verarecommends.com/getaudio . There is “fancier” ways of doing it but for me, I’d rather just use something simple. 🙂
We all need those masks that Jane Jetson of “The Jetsons” cartoon used when talking on the video phone. That way you wouldn’t have to worry about the makeup. Nice glasses, they suit you well.
Hi Vera
As Kelly said the glasses look very distinguished. Also, I sincerely hope your daughter is well now (as I read in another post). I have two daughters under 6 and I know how hard running a business and being a parent can be – but to be in and out of hospital that just adds so much stress to the mix!
The video was great and came across as very natural. I have just started doing videos and I’ll admit they do take a bit of work setting it all up, editing, then rendering, then…oh I could go on. But the feedback has been tremendous, it is a great way to build a relationship with your customers and create some professional branding.
Nice video, you seem really comfortable in front of the camera – did you do this video in in take? We have been playing around with doing some videos, but unfortunately ‘one take’ success yet!
Tom – yeah true. 🙂 thanks for the compliment on the glasses however I’m trying out my new contacts today.
HT – Thanks so much, and yes my daughter is doing wonderful. Stress is a big thing and I still need massage therapy on my neck for this. It’s funny how you react to stress, not a good thing.
As for the video, I think I’ll do more of them because I personally like to connect with people, I’m glad it came across as natural. I need to think more about the background though, it was pretty boring. 🙂
Hi Peter, thanks for the comment. Well I wish it was the first take! 🙂 Maybe the third or fourth. I think with anything it will get easier with time. I also chose to use Audio Acrobat because it’s the least technical way to get the job done, easy for me to use. I hope it inspires you to get some video up on your site. I’m sure your clients will enjoy the interaction with you.
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