SBB Giveaway – CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4

Some fun news today! We have a special giveaway from Kelly Manuel who is the PR Manager at Corel. You can follow her on twitter here

Kelly contacted me recently to do a cool giveaway for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 Valued at $429.00 USD. It was super easy for me to agree to host a giveaway here at the blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

So here are some details aboutร‚ย CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4.

1) You get 10,0000 high quality clipart images

2) 1000 high resolution digital images

3) 80 professionally designed templates

4) Over 1000 OpenType and international fonts including 75 Windows Glyph List 4 fonts and 10 single line engraving fonts

5) Over 2 hours of training videos

Basically you can create very professional results with this product for your creative projects. I see also that you can tag your files which is pretty cool.

To Enter

1) Post a comment on why you’d love to have this

2) Contest ends and Winner will be announced Monday June 29th, 2009

3) Winner must pay for shipping costs

4) We will email the winner on Monday, prize must be claimed within 3 days or we will choose another winner

Also, for those who don’t win, you can download a free trial here.

16 thoughts on “SBB Giveaway – CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4”

  1. Very cool giveaway! I just started using Paint Shop Pro, and I like it a lot — great alternative to Photoshop at a competitive price. I’m really happy with PSP for raster stuff, but it would be great to have a top-notch vector program, too.

    For example, I help out with my son’s Boy Scout Troop (web site, etc.). We’ve been trying to get some graphics stuff done for the trailer we use to haul our equipment, and we want to make a banner that we can hang out when we’re out volunteering at an event. Stuff like this is really best done w/ vector art because it survives well when it’s enlarged, where raster stuff gets pixelated. If I had CorelDRAW, I’m sure I’d be able to whip up some sharp graphics for the Troop.

  2. Congratulations on the good news about your daughter. As a mom that had all five of her children in the hospital at birth, I know the relief when things are “done”.

    Also, I’d LOVE to win this suite. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Kelly Ling

  3. Vera,
    What amazing and wonderful news about you daughter. I started a new career path in 1999 as a graphic artist. We used Corel Draw exclusively and I loved it and found it very easy to pick up, even without any formal training. That is something I’ve never been able to do with Photoshop. Anyway, I have since progressed thru my ‘starving artist’ phase and gotten a more steady job but still love the graphic arts. I miss the drive to be creative every day and really push myself to learn new things, however, have greatly fallen behind the curve now. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of a package dear to my heart.

  4. My wife and I are getting a small business off the ground helping daycare centers in the Albuquerque area to offer NM certified (with meaningful and tangible, quality-based) pre-kindergarten programs. We are using MS Publisher(r) for our printed materials, but find that, although it is a nice tool, the limitations in producing publishable/printer ready proofs are significant. This is a mom-and-pop business and the $400 to get a nicer development program is simply not in our humble budget yet. If I understand correctly, Corel will also help me in getting a pro-looking web site designed, which is on my to-do list. Please forward my most sincere thanks to Ms. Manuel for providing the software for you to offer us as a giveaway! Have a safe and pleasant day and thank YOU for all of your great work–and congratulations to you and your daughter on her blessed recovery. PLM

  5. Hey Vera,

    Glad to hear about your beautiful daughter woot! What a tremendous blessing, eh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I would love to have this graphic package for blogging as well as creating graphics for my affiliate management customers. This package would definitely provide a more professional way to create jazzy designs ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for the contest! Best wishes.

  6. Julie Jolliffe

    I have been using Paint Shop Pro when it was Jasac….for about 5 years. I am self-taught and it has taken me a little time to master this application. I am a great-grandmother 73 yrs old and I do a newsletter for our church youth group. I love adding things that I make in PSPX. I also do digital scrapping and have many of my items from the very 1st beginner’s scraps up to now. I love making mini-scrapbooks for the girls in my group at church and for my friends and granddaughters.

    I would LOVE to be able to have the Corel Draw so maybe I can do more.
    Thanks for all your wonder time you spend bringing us new items.

  7. That is wonderful news about your daughter! I love scrapbooking, photography, & graphic arts! I work full time and have two kids. I coach U6 girls soccer and I’m a girl scout leader. I’ve been wanting to start my own business so I can be at home more with my kids during their younger years! Having Corel Draw would help me get closer to that goal and push me to take that next step! Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. Blessings to you and your family about your daughter.
    I would be thrilled to win this as it is something I could never afford to buy. I love designing and doing special things for my family and friends and this would be great to have.

  9. Short and Sweet. It would help me in my new business. Funds are limited and I would not be able to afford it. Thanks for the chance. Mary

  10. I’d love the chance to win this great product! I plan to start a VA business in the near future and this product would be indispensable. I’m sure we could use it in our homeschooling endeavors too!

    Thanks for a great giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Richard Bennett

    Good morning,

    I would love to have this.

    I am on a disability pension and am doing a few websites for non-profit organizations that have even less money than I do. This would help tremendously!

    Thanks for a super offer!


  12. It’s Monday, contest end day… can I squeeze in by the hair of my chinny chin chin? I’ve been a WAH entrepreneur for nearly 10 decades. I try like the dickens to do much of my own graphics work. But without the proper tools, it sometimes just looks cheezy. How professional can you look really using Word and Publisher? I typically end up paying someone to do graphics work for me. As a single parent who is conscience of every expenditure, it would be fantastic to have this package so that I could continue to work my business in the professional light it deserves to be and I could actually cut back on expenses related to outsourcing this topic. Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  13. WOW! I’m so delighted that I WON!!! I’ve emailed you Vera. Thanks so much for the opportunity – this is WAY kewl! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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