15 thoughts on “How To Develop A Mini eMail Trade Show!”

  1. Thank you Janet. It’s a concept I’m developing for myself. I thought it would be a great idea to throw out there to see if other’s find value in it.

  2. Hi Ed,
    My ear perk up anytime I hear (or read) the word “trade show.” This is an interesting idea. Even though it’s virtual (and doesn’t require any “real” trade show booths), I support it. If it helps businesses grow and expand eventually they’ll go to real trade shows too. ~ Steve, purveyor of “real” trade show booths
    PS. These days we need all the creative ideas like this we can get! 🙂

  3. I don’t think so Grace. I envision as multiple services revolving around a common theme. Let’s say it is aimed at start ups – then all the participants would have something start ups could use. The event would also provide free materials as a value added benefit. There may be a nominal entry fee.

    It would have speakers as well. 24Conference looked liked strickly conferencing.

    As I get closer to launch, I’ll be writing about it.

    Thanks for commenting by the way.

  4. Steve, have you ever put any thought at becoming an expert in virtual trade events and developing it into a revenue stream. Nice differentiator. You could bundle it with your existing product.

  5. hi Ed,
    Thanks for replying to my comment.
    Funny you should say what you did because I have thought about something along those lines. I think “real” trade shows will always be around, but their growth may be limited at best. I think the real growth potential is online, and have thought about looking into it. Unfortunately, that is as far as I have gotten… 🙂 Steve, purveyor of “real” trade show booths

  6. I agree with you Steve. Maybe as I move closer with mine, I’ll get you involved somehow. As it stands, I’m working on this with a buddy who does compliance branding. Stay tuned.


  7. Radio Controlled Boats

    Very interest post, I’ve manned a few booths in my time and a let me tell you a virtual trade show would be much, much easier on the feet!

  8. Brilliant ! I had no idea that you can make a trade show using email. It is a big help to promote your website and develop friendship too. Very informative, thanks for sharing.

  9. I work with a number of similar businesses using this type of model, but based on a referral system. Ed, this is an excellent way to build those relationships and more importantly customer relationships.

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