Evelyn and Hugh on Branding’s Demise

This post is by Michael Pollock, the original owner of Small Business Branding. Yaro Starak now owns and produces the latest content for this blog.

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Had a brief email chat with Evelyn Rodriguez and Hugh re: the branding is dead. They’re trying to help me understand the thinking behind such a statement. More to write on it later, but Ev directed me to this post, and I love this line:

"This is how I look at it: I’m not developing a brand, I’m developing my Self. The clearer I am about who I am, the more that’s reflected clearly. And that’s where I focus. What you think you see as quote branding unquote is simply a side-effect."

My question to Hugh: If branding is dead, are brands also dead?

Hugh: "Oh, brands are fine. ‘branding’ however…. Unleash the

I’m still in the camp that says BRANDING HAPPENS. Period. How it happens, it seems, is the subject of this debate. In any event, I’m far from seeing a need to kill off branding just yet. Even though the term may be a bit tired.

No, Hugh, I’m not a necrophiliac.

More to come . . .

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