Your Know Your Brand’s Gonna Suffer When:

Could you use 51 flash points to avoid that could negatively impact your brand? If so, check out The Brand Corral. You all know a few things to watch out for, so I’ve punched that up a bit so that you can keep an eye out for these situations that could leave your brand gasping. Here are five to wet your appetite:

You know your brands gonna suffer when:
You look to the competition for inspiration.

You know your brands gonna suffer when:
Your business card looks different than your signage which looks different than your websites.

You know your brands gonna suffer when:
You neglect thanking your customers for their business.

You know your brands gonna suffer when:
Your employees explain who your are differently.

You know your brands gonna suffer when:
The visionary of the company is dwelling on the downside of the economy.

…and 46 more!

4 thoughts on “Your Know Your Brand’s Gonna Suffer When:”

  1. hi Ed,
    Wow. That’s a lot to digest. 🙂
    #2 is huge:
    “You know your brand’s gonna suffer when: Your sales are riding on price.”
    I say shoot for the best value, not the cheapest. They are not the same thing!

    FYI: I think #51 is missing some words? And #48 may need “You are…” 😉
    Excellent list. A lot more points than I could ever have come up with, yet all very true.
    ~ Steve, Pinnacle Trade Show Displays

  2. There’s a lot of wisdom in that list. Its worth printing out and reviewing every once in awhile to make sure you’re still on track.

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