I’ll be soon offering coaching services here at Small Business Branding. Among a complete re-branding of an existing business that I took over, I’ll be posting on that very soon!
It’s super exciting!
In the meantime, as a little addition I started a monthly coaching program here and for the first 75 members at Get Brand Results.
When you have a business that is thriving, it is always important to look for ways to diversify and expand your business.
Expanding your business through online coaching is a great way to increase your profit and client base.
Becoming an online coach in the niche that you already have a business in is a natural extension in the minds of many business entrepreneurs.
With a little work you can have a successful online coaching business that works hand in hand with your already existing business.
The business that you already have is hopefully already profitable. Therefore, adding coaching to your business should simply be a matter of extending your services. Say you sell workout equipment, for example. Adding fitness or diet coaching to your services will mean an added income stream that you can promote to your current client base.
Most businesses can easily add coaching as an added product to their current services and products. If you’re not sure whether your current customers will be interested or not, simply ask them. Send them an email saying that you’re considering a future coaching program and give them a few details. Then ask them to sign up to the notification list to receive a discount once you launch the program. This will help give you an idea for demand.
You will also market your online coaching business to people who have never heard of your business. These clients are a great and integral part of your business success. Once they have started using your online coaching services, you can market the products that your business sells to them. You can easily increase the profits that your business makes with referral sales from your online coaching.
Your online coaching and business will naturally build off each other as the connection between them in your niche becomes stronger. It is natural for people to want to purchase the products from your business that they need to be successful in your online coaching.
It is just as natural that people who purchase your products would enjoy the coaching that is available to them. You can run the business that you already have and your online coaching business as the same business, just with different departments.
Becoming an online coach in the niche where you already have a business is a great way to increase your profits and your client lists. It is a natural extension of the business that you have already built. By using the niche that you are in and the client base that you already have, you will be successful in your online coaching endeavor.
With most of the hard work already done through your business, it is easy to take the next step with an online coaching business.
Very smart and simple idea on how to transition online and use your current expertise to grow your business, while also providing helpful information to people. Going online is vital for many business in today’s world. An online presence strengthens one’s credibility and helps to promote your business at the same time.
You’re right on the money here, Vera. I offer this service myself. I’ve never called it coaching. I just consider it consulting. Essentially what I’ve been approached to do is help companies with their positioning strategies and then follow up with what could be considered coaching – to help them implement the strategy defined.
In every case, the customer has purchased additional services from me. A group have become regular clients and have referred me to their connections. What is also interesting is that I have acquired each of these clients through my blogging efforts.
I really enjoy the feed-back I get and I appreciate the opportunity to work with some really great people.
Hi Vera,
Fantastic idea.
We have been doing this offline for about 6 years and have recently brought it online.
Would love the opportunity to talk to you about how you plan to go ahead with it and whether we could assist you with some of the education part.
In our process we take a financial snap shot of the business every month and use that as the backbone and context for the online coaching. It gives the client the opporutnity to use their business results as the basis for the coachiung and also a measurement to see if we’re adding something to their bottom line.
The one thing we have found is that clients need a degree of flexibility to bring up any issues that they have but at the same time they need a sense of structure so that over a twelve month period they don’t feel as though they’re drifitng and lose faith in the process.
Anna – ditto!
Ed – I know you’ve mentioned that before, it’s amazing what doors blogging can open up.
Andee – It’s great to know how your efforts are paying off or not, just shoot me an email. I will be offering a monthly plan to help people expand their business online or basically anything they need help with. 🙂
I agree with you. Extending your service with coaching gives more options to your current customers and may increase the customers’ lifetime value. It’s also a great way to attract new customers since you open a new “door” to your business.
If you have a passion for helping others then adding coaching to your business is like icing on the cake. You have to have the genuine intention of helping people otherwise this business move may not prove to be a wise one 🙂
Remember success is not by chance, it’s by choice!