Twittering Around With Twitter

I haven’t been on twitter all that much lately due to being sick this last week (which is why this post will be a short one) but today I’m at least up to the computer and went inside my email management Aweber to send a broadcast out to my email list.

While I was in there I noticed that you can now twitter your broadcasts at the same time over to twitter, cool.

(you can read the story at Aweber here)

A couple things of notice:

1) You can only do this for broadcasts only, not follow-ups

2) You can only send with one Twitter Account, this may just change in the future.

There’s some other fun things I’ve also added to enhance my twitter business building experience that I’ll soon share. 🙂 If you want to follow me on Twitter you can here:

I’ve secured interviews, events, and build relationships with Twitter. Fun!

8 thoughts on “Twittering Around With Twitter”

  1. Hope you’re feeling better soon Vera! Initial feedback on the Twitter features has been great and we have a number of enhancements coming out next week already. Thank you for helping to spread the word.

  2. Hi there Tom! Thanks for posting. 🙂 I’m looking forward to see what you add, I have a few twitter names but spend most of my time at my @veraraposo name. I’ll certainly be looking forward to seeing what will come next.

  3. Sorry to hear you’re under the weather, Vera. I was wondering why I hadn’t seen you tweeting. At first, I really didn’t “get” Twitter, but now I’m loving it. I’ve made some great new connections and also great reconnections.

  4. Ed – ha! I love birds too… really I take pictures of them especially ducks. 🙂 All joking aside, twitter is great for making contact with people in your industry… you should really join, Drew’s on there too.

    Patty – Thanks Patty! Yes, tweeting is great for exposure for your business at the same time thanks for noticing. I have an outer ear infection and I truly believe it’s the most pain I’ve ever endured in my life! Thank goodness it’s finally going away.

  5. The Blogger Source

    I’m fairly new to Twitter so I’m trying to absorb all the info on how to use Twitter out there. Thanks.

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