Shipping Out Now: Customers’ Information

Paper ShreddersI’m surprised this news bite I happened to catch on local TV recently didn’t get picked up more. Recently, a lady called our local TV station, to say that a company whom she purchased from, shipped her order with shredded checks used as cushioning for the product.

That on its own is absolutely not OK. To make matters worse, the shredder didn’t even do that good a job – parts of some checks were still intact. Adding insult to injury, the shredder used was one of those old style strip shredders what were about 1/4 inch wide that even a child could easily piece back together.

According to the reporter, they called the company and the owners said they’ve been “using it for years“, that”this is the first time anybody noticed” and “they’ll stop using it now“.

I shudder to think how many uninterested businesses handle my personal information that way. Just because they have been using it for years and nobody noticed doesn’t make it right. The report did not say if they used their own customers’ checks or worse yet, got those from other businesses. Either way, this is outrageous!

In this advanced, technically inclined world of ours today, businesses like to talk about encryption, securing their web site, protecting customer data, tools and methods to keep hackers at bay and restricting access to customer data. These are all important. I am not discounting that. But all this focus on protecting electronic information is not going to help you much when your paper system is flawed.

Protect your customer data, whether it is on paper, verbal or electronic. It is the law. But really, what should be more important than that – you owe it to your customers.

P.S.: You might want to check out “Protecting Personal Information – A Guide for Business” published by the FTC.

P.P.S.: Upgrade your hardware. 80’s style paper shredders are not good enough. Go for cross cuts or confetti cuts at least. The smaller it can shred the better.

7 thoughts on “Shipping Out Now: Customers’ Information”

  1. Oh no what a dire abuse of their customer’s trust…that’s such a poor protection of highly sensitive information and an equally weak comment from the company. That said, it just goes to highlight how some companies do not value their customers as they should (they are the heart beat of any business – don’t hack them off!!) and that they clearly aren’t a media savvy company in any way. However, you can’t knock them for their efforts in recycling – even if they were a bit (a lot!) misguided! 😉

  2. I totally agree with those commenters who consider it a scam!!!! BTW the name of this company should be given to the people to avoid using it. Does anybody know it?

  3. @Freya – Heya. LOL I agree and about the recycling. That’s one of the first things that come to mind. Recycling gone horribly wrong.

    @Christmas: I don’t know but I’ll try to contact the TV station to see if they will reveal it.

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