There are many ways to deliver a marketing message. One that is often overlooked or erroneously dismissed as being too expensive is producing a video. YouTube has changed some perceptions in that arena but not so much in the marketing field.
In reality, the return on the investment can be significant, even if you get a top notch professional to shoot your video. Some of the advantages are:
~ Delivers the intimacy of extended one-to-one communication.
~ Compared to TV ads, non-interruptive.
~ Allows three-dimensional views of products, show a product in use or a service provider in action.
~ With music, action and color, generates emotional impact.
~ Can bring your employees and their passion for your business to life.
~ Can be combined with CD, DVD, or streaming video technology to translate to an easy direct mail piece or web page content.
~ Is a powerful storytelling medium.
Wondering where you can use your video? Your lobby. Your website. Your e-mail campaign. Your annual meeting. Staff recruitment. New business pitches. And that’s just the beginning.
This is a great post. The potential of video is huge for small businesses and the marketing benefits list is even larger. It’s really an area that all businesses should at least take a look at.
A fine post on video – video does sell and capture more attention. Incorporating on in blogs, along with podcast, will give you an edge over your competition.
I’ve heard a picture is worth a thousand words! I’ve noticed in a lot of ads, pic moving, words still on screen, pic still words moving..It’s eye catching, and stirs the mind to think.I always catch myself reading as words in motion, guess it’s the curiosity thing and not wanting to miss anything, being where the action is, as soon as I saw the girl with the camera I wanted to know what your article was all about. Great post!
Good post.
Video, like copy and photography, has to be well produced and entertaining/ engaging to cut through our message filters – to get Attention, maintain Interest, create Desire and then eventually Action (AIDA).
Use web video to add personality to your website but don’t try and create a feature film
Use the 30 second TV ad as an example – video has the ability to effectively communicate pages of wordy web text into short sharp messages.
A good script and higher production qualities generates higher return on your marketing investment. Roughly 80 words = 30 seconds.
One extra note: Internet video does not have to be limited to the box. Think outside the square. Transparent video layers such as CLIVE allows you to add video to any part of your website.
Is true the video work well becouse 80% of the peoples just look the pictures and never read some article or any text.
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