Are You Gettin’ Any? I Can Help.

The above headline is a hook based on sexual innuendo coupled with no intention to deliver. It is also something that I find despicable on the web and that is the classic practice of “Bait and Switch”. In its classic scenario, you picked up your weekend edition of the newspaper, went through the advertising flyers and low and behold you locked on to some incredible offer with a time limitation such as, limited quantities – sale ends 5:00 sharp!

– you don’t have to tell me twice, I’m there when the store has shortly opened. Ad in hand you approach the salesperson, inform them of your mission only to be told -“I’m sorry we are sold out of that item, but perhaps you’d be interested in this other offer on something similar?”


Today, bait and switch is all over the web. The inspiration for this article was at a business blog the other night – the writer’s headline- “How to differentiate your company in lean times”. Fair enough I figured – its right up the ole’ branding alley, let’s give it a read.

The article told us all about the the ‘importance’ of differentiating but nothing about the ‘how to’  they promised in the headline.


To give the author of that post the benefit of a doubt, when I fist started blogging, a seasoned blogger told me that most articles that start with a “how to” or other solution based phrases get better readership. Sage words but the advice should have also carried with it the concept that you must follow through on the promise and deliver. I was miffed and then irritated when there was no comment opportunity.

The web being such a relatively new sales medium is riddled with bait and switch, which has all the honesty of a used car classified ad.

Your integrity is a major part of your brand. Why do people feel they have to trick their audience into buying their products? Perhaps they know their products are not of the high quality they brag about. Myself, I like to think that it is naiveté, in that they have discovered the techniques of the old snake oil salesmen and don’t mind employing them on a buying public. They are not in many cases considering long-term sales relationships but are only concentrating on the one purchase mentality. Given the breadth of the web – one purchase each doesn’t sound so bad, so I guess the temptation is there, so no harm done.  They would be wrong of course. They harm their brand . Your brand values have trump temptation if you are to truly be successful.

I wonder if these people understand the sales wisdom that a happy customer is your best and cheapest opportunity for future sales – directly and indirectly, by becoming an advocate for you. You are your brand and your corporate brand is you. Remember we are all only stupid once, as they say “Burn me once, stupid you – burn me twice, stupid me”. I abide by the ethical value system.  I work very hard to offer straight forward information that any serious entrepreneur will find useful in their quest to grow their business. Myself and my peers agonize over our products and opinion to be sure we are not delivering less that what is expected.

All I suggest is that we all refrain from unethical marketing just to make a dollar. Money’s nice but it’s not worth tarnishing your brand over.

10 thoughts on “Are You Gettin’ Any? I Can Help.”

  1. Sage advice Mr. Roach. As a fairly new blogger, I’m always looking for ways to improve and be more valuable. The last thing I want to do it try to pull the wool over someones eyes! I’ll certainly be conscious of my whatever I’m promising. Thanks!

    Cory Garrison

  2. Great article. Bait and Switch is used everywhere on the web and has become incredibly common with the rise of blogging.

    Thanks for the insight.


  3. Glad you liked the article guys. As Kevin states it’s common place – a sad statement really. It just makes it harder for honest professionals to ply their trade online. These snake oil salesmen oughta be run outta town on a rail – like in the wild west days. I just shake my head every time i come across another one.

    Cory – I was at your blog – love the talk to 10 people about your business technique. Nice idea.

  4. Limited quantities becomes unethical if it is not true, but just a come-on to increase traffic immediately. Take the iPhone – it was truly limited in it’s first release in the States. So it could be stated as true. But showing up at a store who are instantly sold out only to discover they only had one or two to begin with – stretches credibility. You only do your brand harm.

    As JR said – you only need one turned off customer. How many others did they tell of that businesses practices. What does it say of their brand values?

    Thanks for your view point.

  5. I used so called bait and switch, but I called it upselling, used to give out cheap carpet cleaning leaflets at cheap prices then upsell scotchguard, some people how could not upsell called it bait and switch. Which is it??

  6. What you did Vernon is upselling. Nothing wrong with that. Bait and switch is purposely misleading someone. Advertise a flat screen TV for $25.00 – when they get to the store they only find $200.00 TV’s – the truth is they never had TV’s for $25.00 – bait and switch.

    BIG difference from what you did. If they wanted to, they could still get the cheap carpet cleaning without having to buy the Scotchguard.

  7. Yes but guys who cannot sell in my business which one of them is carpet cleaning, call what I do as bait and switch

    Google bait and switch carpet cleaning, let me know what you find

  8. Vernon,

    I guess you can’t control what people say, just remember to take the high road. Perhaps you should redo the flyers and use package price cleaning:

    BASIC CLEANING PACKAGE (List what they get service wise)- ONLY $00.00

    PREMIUM SCOTCH GUARD PACKAGE (List “Basic” plus what additional service they get) ONLY $00.00 MORE

    You should tell the benefits of why the premium package is so much better for the life and wear of their carpet – in other words – what’s in it for them.

    Don’t worry about the nay sayers, they’re a waste of your time and energy.


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