How to Customize your PLR Articles the Right Way

Hey there, we’re interrupting our regular scheduled programming (Brand Booster 21) for this important questions and answers about private label rights, or should I say PLR.

Nicole Dean is a super friend of mine and when she offered to write a free article for my blog outlining some questions from me I couldn’t refuse. why?

Mostly because it’s original content that I don’t have to create and it’s an opportunity to share a resource that I even use myself. 🙂

So with that, here’s Nicole…

nicoledeanHi and thanks to Vera for inviting me to be a contributing author here at Small Business Branding. She’s asked me to talk about Private Label Rights Content and how to use it the right way to grow your online business.

First of all, I’d like to give a bit of background as to why anyone should care what I have to say.

I’ve been providing PLR content to Internet Marketers since 2006 and run one of the most respected PLR sites online. All of the PLR articles and reports are written by my staff, as opposed to some other PLR sellers who simply resell PLR that they’ve purchased with unlimited rights. We create all of the content for our customers. It’s all 100% ours and we limit the content so that we sell limited quantities of each pack. I’ve also been a featured expert on several highly reputable blogs from Lynn Terry’s to and now yours. Thank you for the honor of being here today.

If you’re new to PLR articles and What you Can do with PLR articles, here’s another post to learn more:
How Should I Use PLR Articles?

Website ContentI asked Vera to put together some questions that she thought her readers might be asking. Here are those questions and my answers.

Why should you customize your PLR? What’s the benefit?

I always highly encourage our customers to customize the PLR that they purchase. If you’re referring to articles that you plan to post on your website or blog, then the biggest reasons, in my opinion, to do so are:

1. SEO.
While it is not a requirement to edit the PLR articles that you purchase, smart marketers do so. At the very least, I would encourage you to change the title of the article to reflect the keywords that you’re aiming for, and to make the page a touch different than others who purchased the same article. I’ll get into that a bit more in the next question.

2. Branding.
I would also consider branding your business as another reason to alter the articles. Including positive customer quotes and examples specific to your company will certainly benefit your customers’ image of your brand.

3. Niching them Down.
Always niche down the articles, whenever possible. If you’re into the Fitness for Pet Owners market – if there is such a thing, then tweak your PLR articles to include mention of Fido wherever possible. Or, if you’re in the Beagle niche and you purchase a set of puppy PLR articles, then edit them to be specifically about the Beagle breed, including photos, of course.

4. Adding More Value for your Readers.
You’re the expert, right? You know your market inside and out, hopefully. So, adding your own insights and opinions to the articles will make them better than when the articles leave my PLR store. I believe that getting these quality articles into the hands of experts, like yourself, who can then add their own knowledge, should make the web a better place.

What is the best way to customize PLR for your own use?

Rather than saying to “edit” the content as many PLR site owners do, simply to mix up the words, but keeping the same overall value – I recommend that you add value to the PLR articles.

Honestly, I think so much time and energy is spent in rewriting PLR that it’s saddening. Instead, using the simple change in philosophy and saying “improve” the PLR and I feel we’d really be making the internet a better place for all. So, I recommend that you add some of the following:

  • Your own ideas.
  • Stories from your own life that relate to the topic.
  • Examples that add value. (See the beagle example above.)
  • Quotes – either your own, your customers, your employees, family, or even famous people.
  • The other side of the coin. Can you argue with what is presented in the PLR? Give alternate opinions.
  • Charts, Graphs, that show the theory in action.
  • Case Studies.
  • Interview Questions. Ask your readers for their opinion in a survey and add those blurbs to the content.

That’s just off the top of my head. Can you see how starting with great PLR articles can add value to your entire internet business?

Can you tell us step by step how to customize it?


  1. Start with high-quality PLR articles. That helps. Of course, I’d recommend my site: Easy PLR, but you can certainly shop by searching Google, as well.
  2. Open the articles. Most people just leave them sitting on their hard drive.
  3. Copy & paste the articles into Blog Drafts, renaming each one as you go. This should take about 5 minutes. It will take a few more if you’re researching keywords at the same time.

At this point, you’ll be ahead of 99% of the other marketers who don’t make it this far.

Then, every time you log into your blog and think “What should I write about today?” Look through those drafts. Pick one and dive in.

The important things to note are:

  1. Start with great content. Without that, you’re going to struggle.
  2. Get it onto your blog. That’s huge. It’s much easier to start with a draft and get writing than it is a blank screen.
  3. When you tackle it, think about improving it, not rewriting it. Big difference.

What should you watch out for with PLR providers?

Ooh. That’s a loaded question. As you can probably tell, I’m pretty opinionated on the topic. So many people look at selling PLR as a quick way to make some cash and run. So, they sell crap articles, or content that they don’t have the rights to, or recycle PLR that’s already been around the net several hundred times. Most of it, I wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.

So, that being said, I would definitely look at the following:

1. Reputation of the company.
Have they been around for a while and do they have a good reputation? Is it a fly-by-night, no-name website or is there a person who stands behind it?

2. The number of others who will have rights to the same content.
Some PLR sites sell their articles to upwards of 1000 people. That’s a lot of people who have access to use the same articles as you do. I would certainly pay less for that than I would a site that limits their sales per package.

Of course, my site, EasyPLR meets both those criteria. I would love to earn your business if you choose to try PLR articles in your online business. If you’d like to learn more about PLR, I offer a tutorial on my site that you can sign up to receive free.

Please post your comments and questions.

Nicole Dean

My Internet Business Marketing Success Blog

13 thoughts on “How to Customize your PLR Articles the Right Way”

  1. Great post Nicole – very informative.
    When I use PLR articles I actually do one of the steps you suggested.
    1. Add quality to the articles with your own life experiences.

    I used to try and re-write the articles, but found it too time consuming and I was not doing a very good job. However, I only write on topics that interest me or I have experience in. Once I started adding my own personal touches to the articles it became so much easier and quite enjoyable.

    I went and had a look at your site too. I’m still wading through hundreds of PLR articles, but I’ve bookmarked your site for future reference.

    Thanks again.

  2. Great tips, Nicole! It was especially helpful for people like me who need to know specific steps. Now putting PLR in blog drafts is something I would have never thought of. I am definitely going to do that even if I don’t use some of it on my blog, it will already be in there for me to work on. You are a genius! Changing the title right away after finding a good keyword phrase is also a great tip. The littlest things give me ah ha moments! Thanks

  3. Great post Nicole. I love that you made it a point to “IMPROVE” not “EDIT”. So many people think PLR is too time consuming, however there are a ton of ways to save yourself time and still produce quality, informative information to your readers with the help of PLR.

  4. Pingback: How to Take Your Network Marketing Business to the Next Level

  5. Pingback: PLR Articles

  6. Nicole is absolutely right that most people don’t even use their PLR. Just getting it off your hard drive and out there is a huge step, and by adding a little bit of yourself you are instantly leaps and bounds ahead of the competition!

  7. Pingback: Affliate Marketing Income » How and Where to Find Ideas to Write Your Online Articles

  8. Thanks Nicole for sharing here at SBB, this is a very informative article. I also love how you say to improve an existing article and not actually rewrite it, that makes it a whole lot easier to think about using it!

  9. Pingback: Learn How To Get Profit From Using PLR Products - Affiliate Secret For Newbie Blog

  10. Pingback: A Beginners Guide to Monetizing a Blog Or Website

  11. Pingback: PLR vs. Free Reprint Articles: Which is Best?

  12. How to Customize your PLR Articles the Right Way.Great post Nicole. I love that you made it a point to “IMPROVE” not “EDIT”. So many people think PLR is too time consuming, however there are a ton of ways to save yourself time and still produce quality, informative information to your readers with the help of PLR.

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