Brand Booster 21 Day 1: What Is Your Brand?

whatisyourbrandSome say, “I don’t need a brand,” well frankly, you have one whether you want one or not. Essentially your brand is your reputation. Every touch point in your company has an impact on your brand.

Branding is about the business and how a business is different from the competitors.

The purpose of a brand is to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Once you make a distinguishing impact then an advertising campaign can be much more effective because it compels customers to buy from you and not simply, the lowest price.

The success of a company can be determined by a brand. Branding includes many factors which help a company be successful. These factors may include a website, marketing efforts, internal and external communications, compliance issues and management practices. Consumers can identify with a brand that has values that are admired and appreciated.

All companies should practice branding. Brick and mortar business and online companies benefit through branding methods. It is common for smaller companies and online businesses to fail due to a lack of understanding about the importance and factors of a good brand.

Branding ensures professionalism with a company. It seals the deal on an entire package. A small company with a brand looks just as good as a large corporation when they practice the right principals. Brands enhance your confidence of all stake holders and especially the consumers who recognize that you really can deliver what you promise.

Branding offers consistency with a business.

It gives direction to employees and customers on what to expect. Consistency in all message and actions as they relate to brand values.

One concept that consumers often attach to a brand is called brand equity.

A brand is often considered to be an asset also. For example, if you have developed a very good brand that is well known as being a top distributor of massage chairs and you have a competitor with a brand known to provide defective products, your brand will be worth more. This is very important if selling or landing investors is a desire of yours.

As much as there are several types of brands, we here at Brand Booster 21 are predominently dealing with your brand. For small businesses a great brand is critical in your success. Your corporate brand has to do with everything relating to your business.

Branding is all about what the customers perceive of your company. Your brand is the promise that you intend to make to the customers. The ultimate goal is to spark an emotional connection in order to create a positive feeling resulting of loyalty to a specific product from the customers.

Most customers hold true to products they enjoy. It is very common for a customer to be impressed with a brand and continue to buy a product based on that brand. You want to create these feelings of loyalty to bring the customers back for more.

This is the ultimate goal. You don’t want customers buying on price but on love.

Both personal and corporate adhere to the same brand values. Both benefit from genuine experiences. Do not pretend to be something you are not. Customers see through this and tend to be cynical. What ever position you decide to take, so long as you walk the walk, your brand will be admired. Customers do not always have to agree with every decision you make, they want to be assured that you stand by your actions 100%.

Attitude is everything.

Your Notebook To Do:


Answer the following Questions and put the ACTIONS in your To Do Notebook

  • What do you believe your brand is?
  • How can you distinguish yourself from your competitors?
  • How can you ensure professionalism in your business?
  • What types of things can you do to istill consistency
  • Poll your customers to see what they think of your company.
  • How can you evoke emotions so customers will buy from you because they love you?
  • How can you create a strong bond and feelings of loyalty?


15 thoughts on “Brand Booster 21 Day 1: What Is Your Brand?”

  1. The first step to a great brand is a great product, followed closely by customer service. Marketing’s job is to amplify your superiority in both. Ultimately your customers control your branding.

  2. Weight Bench Guy

    Great series. I will be watching this closely. I have started a new site online selling home fitness equipment. We are going to launch a video series on how to use the equipment. I think this will help a lot with building a brand people can love.

  3. WBG – Glad you like the start of the series. There’s going to be lots of great info along the way. Hopefully it helps you out with your new videos. 🙂

  4. People need to be empowered to develop their own brands and you are really helping them with this kind of clear and concise information. Keep up the good work.

    — Axle Davids

  5. Thanks for your comments guys. Vera and I this extensive series is a lot of help to many of our visitors here. Pass the word to your colleagues. We’d love to get a conversation going about each of the 21 sessions. Your opinions really help everyone to build their brands.

  6. Nice info here. You have a brand whether you like it or not. That’s kind of like professional athletes are role models whether they like it or not lol. But on a more serious note, your brand is that “off the record” conversation people have about you. It’s they way people describe you when no one else is looking. With that being the case, I’d say it’s important to nurture it.

    John Sternal

  7. Your so right BL. This misconception is perpetuated by graphic design and advertising firms.
    Mostly because it is self-serving if a business thinks their logo is their brand. The image is the face of the brand. Thanks for joining us here.

  8. Pingback: Brand Booster 21 Day 21: Wrapping It All Up « Small Business Branding

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  11. I can’t say enough how much I love this article. 100% will be watching this closely. I have started a new site online selling ATV Tires. We are going to launch a video series on how to change tires, and also some fun videos establishing the brand. I think this will help a lot with building a brand people can love, and most of all trust. 🙂

  12. No truer words has ever been said! Your brand, as perceived by your consumers, can make or break your success rate, so if you’re going to start, do it well!

  13. Great post. We deal extensively with the design aspect of branding. Most business owners need to understand the importance of their brand, and how it affects their perception in the customer’s eyes.

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