Do You Spread The Word About Your Business? It’s Time To Toot Your Own Horn!

Spread the Word

How often do you toot your own horn about your business. Really think about it, besides speaking with clients one on one, have you actually shared (with permission of course) results you’ve been getting for a client with another?

I think it’s human nature not to brag about yourself and your business. But I think we need to start getting used to the idea of tooting our horns and spreading the word.

I’m in the process of doing this very thing myself. I’ll be sharing with you a series of interviews from clients who have worked directly with me. And I must say, I’m very excited about it because the feedback I’m getting from my clients is eye opening. Of course, I feel I deliver exceptional service, but it’s great to hear right from the person who counts most, my clients.

If you don’t have a plan to do some tooting of your own, why not watch my upcoming series of events to help you with your own plans. <

8 thoughts on “Do You Spread The Word About Your Business? It’s Time To Toot Your Own Horn!”

  1. The book The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell discusses different types of people. Connectors are good at talking about themselves (and others) without appearing to brag. Social marketing (in person) can be an important aspect to business marketing.

  2. There’s a great book on this very subject that I really enjoyed called, BRAG, Tooting your horn without blowing it!

    It’s available on Amazon.

  3. When asked “what do you do for a living” I give them a 30 second so called ‘elevator speech’. Just your basic USP. If they want more info, they will ask for it – if not, you didn’t annoy them too much.

  4. I try to toot my own horn, so-to-speak, when promoting my business. However, I don’t seem to have enough time to market my business. One thing that I’ve been doing is inviting clients for phone conferences and web conferences – this has worked out quite well. I even found a site that offers innovative phone conference call services, if you own a business; you should really check it out at: This will save you both time and money.

  5. Thanks Feriensprachreisen for your Tip to give a SHORT ‘Elevator Speech’
    Because sometimes I was inclined not just ‘Toot my Horn’ but to become
    to enthousiastic and

    ‘Blow them away!’ 🙂

    (Unfortunately than they go away!)

    Nowaday’s since I don’t do that anymore
    people are now beginning to ask for it!
    and I also am actually beginning to get
    more visitors to my site(s) every day
    as well!

    All the Best,
    To your Happy – Home Business – Inspiration,

  6. “I think it’s human nature not to brag about yourself and your business” – actually, it’s quite opposite. My impression was that every business owner I know (myself included) is talking about his/her business just because we do business for the reason that it’s something we like doing. Also – it spreads the word.

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